Levy Letter

LEVY 2019 – 2020 – REMINDER

We would like to thank all those parents who were prompt with their Levy payment of £10 per family (which can be paid in two instalments of £5) but according to our records we are still short of meeting our commitment for the Archdiocese Levy Bill.

If you have paid your first £5.00 instalment, the second payment of £5.00 is due.  If you have not yet paid please complete the slip below and return it with your money as soon as possible.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Levy Letter [PDF]

Free Health Event Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Please join us in the Infant school for a free Health event on Wednesday 12th February from 9.00-11.30am.

This will be an opportunity to speak with health professionals for advice and support or even to be pampered with a massage. Goody-bags are available for the first 30 people who attend.

Our family liason officers will also be on hand to talk to if required.

Refreshments will be available – please come along and see what’s on offer.

Many thanks

Mrs C Parkinson

(PHCSE Coordinator)

Download: Free Health Event Letter [PDF]

Y3 & Y4 Disco Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

The PTFA would like to invite your child to the Year 3 and 4 disco on Thursday 13th February 2020.

The disco will take place from 3.15pm – 4.30pm in the Junior Hall. Please ensure all children are picked up promptly 4.30pm. No children will be permitted to walk home on their own after the event.

Tickets for the event are priced at £3 and will be available for purchase on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th February in the Junior Hall.

As well as a professionally run disco, children will be provided with a hot dog or pizza, drink and a dessert for the £3 charge.

There will also be a limited tuck shop available if children wish to bring a small amount of money on the night.

If any parents who have not already done so wish to volunteer to help out on the night, the PTFA are always grateful of your support. Please contact the school Office if you think you could help out!

We hope your child enjoys the disco and thank you for your ongoing support with PTFA events in school.

Mr Crowther and St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: Y3 & Y4 Disco Letter [PDF]

6WL Class Assembly Time Letter

Dear Parents/Carers of Class 6WL,

Your child’s class assembly on Wednesday 5th February.

I would like to take this opportunity to apologise for changing the time so close to the event; this was unavoidable due to Third Space Learning. Your child’s assembly will now start at 2:00pm and will finish at approximately 2:30pm. Due to the earlier time slot, children will not be allowed to leave school once the assembly is finished.

Thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to seeing you next week.

Yours faithfully,

Miss D Hay
Deputy Headteacher

Download: 6WL Class Assembly Time Letter [PDF]

Calpol Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to clarify our school administration of Calpol to children who are unwell. This is an emergency arrangement and is not meant to be used as an alternative to home medication. School is finding that we are providing Calpol regularly instead of unusually. No child should require pain medication first thing in the morning after being dropped off from home.

We will only administer Calpol to a child who has a new and unexpected complaint, any child who is having to have regular pain killing medication should bring the medication in from home. All medication should be in the original bottle with the child’s name clearly written on the label.

We thank all those families who are trying really hard to make sure their children have good attendance and bring their children to school with minor complaints. We find that children soon forget slight aches and pains when busy with work and playing with their friends.

Thanking you as always for your cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Calpol Letter [PDF]

Nursery Maths Activity Session Letter

Dear Nursery Parents/Carers,

Please join us on Friday 14th February at 10.45am in the Infant school hall for a Maths activity session.

This will be an opportunity for you to work with your child on some maths activities and to get some practical ideas of ways you can support your child at home.

Your child will attend nursery as normal on this day and he/she will be brought to the hall from nursery prior to the start of the session to meet you.

Please complete the form (attached below) if you would like to attend with your child.

Many thanks,

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson
Nursery Teachers

Download: Nursery Maths Activity Session Letter [PDF]

Junior Merit Assembly


M – Jack
B – Elliott


SOTW – Lilly
B – Annalise


SOTW – Alexa
B – Zainab

Headteachers – Alexa


M – Thomas
B – Ava


M – Dylan
B – Nadia


M – Dolly
B – Michael


M – Nathan
B – Jessica


SOTW – Maisie
B – Jayden


SOTW – Emma
B – Leighton


SOTW – Lila
B – Poppy


SOTW – Emmy May
B – Jacob


SOTW – Luke
B – Ben

Nursery Closed for Local Elections

Dear Nursery Parents/Carers,


Nursery will be closed on Thursday 7th May as it is being used as a Polling Station for the Local Elections.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Nursery Polling Station Letter [PDF]

Healthy Communications Letter

Dear Parents / Carers,

As part of the Children’s Mental Health Week, we would like to invite you to our Healthy Communications event on Wednesday 5th February 2020 @ 9.00am – 10.00am.

This session will look at strategies to support communication with your children around mental health and wellbeing. Life often throws challenges our way and it’s about finding positive ways to deal with things that might be difficult, overcoming physical and mental challenges and looking after yourself.

Lots of research has been done around talking therapies to help with mental health and wellbeing. So come and learn various ways to communicate with your child to keep the dialogue between you flowing.

It would be great to see you, but as always there is a limited number of places available which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Please return the reply slip (attached below) on Monday 3rd February 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Hyland / Miss McKenna
Family Liaison Officers

Download: Healthy Communications Letter [PDF]

Merit Assembly – 31st January 2020

Star of the Week

AMG – Blake
AMP – Mia
RF – Scarlett
RJ – Alfie
RC – Scarlett
1HH – April
1AJ – Bobby
1MD – Ella Rose
2RD – Marisa
2LM – Libby
2HI – Frankie

Good Behaviour

AMG – Benjamin
AMP – Jasmine
RF – Max
RJ – Isla
RC – Bianca
1HH – Ava
1AJ – Lucy
1MD – Ethan
2RD – Nicole
2LM – AJ
2HI – Sophie

Superstar Writer

RC – Ebony
RF – Lexi
RJ – Jude
1HH – Bobby
1AJ – Isla
1MD – Lily
2RD – Evie
2LM – Layla
2HI – Han


1HH – Bella
RF & RC – Percie
RJ – Bertie
2HI – Elsie