Year 1 – Educational Visit Letter


On Wednesday 25th March, as part of our ‘In my Liverpool Home’ topic, Year 1 children will be visiting the Museum of Liverpool.

There is a parental contribution of £5.00 please, to be sent to the class teacher in an envelope with child’s name and class marked on the outside.

Please fill in the form (attached below) and return to the school before Friday 20th March 2020.

Your child will need:

  • A packed lunch in a carrier bag with child’s name on it
  • Can you please provide a drink in a disposable container.
  • To wear school uniform
  • Sensible shoes
  • Please inform school if your child suffers with travel sickness

Children in school by 9.00am and we will be leaving at 9.30am (Please be on time, we cannot wait!). We will return to school to dismiss at normal time.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh

Download: Year 1 – Educational Visit Letter

PTFA Disco for Years 1 & 2 Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

The PTFA would like to invite your child to the Infant school disco on Thursday 6th February 2020.

The Year 1 and 2 disco will take place from 3.15pm – 4.15pm in the Infant Hall. Please ensure all children are picked up promptly at 4.15pm from their usual pick-u point.

Tickets for the event are priced at £2 and will be available for purchase on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February at 9am in the Infant Hall.

Children are able to wear their own clothes on this day and will be provided will a snack and a drink during the event.

If any parents wish to volunteer to help out on the night, the PTFA are always grateful of your support. Please contact the school Office if you think you could help out!

We hope your child enjoys the disco and thank you for your ongoing support with PTFA events in school.

Mr Crowther and St Oswald’s Catholic Primary PTFA

Download: PTFA Disco for Years 1 & 2 Letter [PDF]

PTFA Disco for Reception Children Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

The St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA would like to wish all our families a happy new year and extend a big thank you for supporting the PTFA in running school events last year. It is great to see some of our Reception parents attending our meetings and providing great ideas for future events.

The PTFA is providing a disco for the Reception children on Thursday 6th February 2020 from 2pm-3pm. On this day children are invited to wear their own clothes and will receive a snack and drink during the event. The PTFA are kindly requesting a £1 donation for the event. All money made from PTFA is spent on the children here at St Oswald’s.

Children will finish school at normal time for collection.

Any parents who are able to support the PTFA and teachers for this event are very welcome. Please contact the school office, Mr Crowther or Jo Jones from the PTFA if you are available to help.

We look forward to seeing the children enjoy themselves at this event and thank you for your support in advance.

Mr Crowther
Chair of St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: PTFA Disco for Reception Children Letter [PDF]

PTFA Coffee Mornings

Dear Parents/Carers,

PTFA – Coffee Mornings

The St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA would like to invite parents/carers to join us for an informal coffee morning on the last Friday of each month 9-10.30am in the Infant Building.

These meetings will give the PTFA chance to prepare resources and prizes for upcoming events and discuss possible fundraising ideas for the future.

We hope these meetings will give more parents an opportunity to support the PTFA and enjoy an informal, social meeting with other like-minded parents.

Dates for the next few months are as follows:

Friday 31st January
Friday 28th February
Friday 27th March

We look forward to seeing you there and would like to thank everyone for their continued support with PTFA events.

Many thanks,

Mr Crowther and the St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: PTFA Coffee Mornings Letter [PDF]

Multiplication Tables Check (Y4) Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

As you may be aware, from June 2020 there is a new national statutory test for Y4 children called the ‘Multiplication Tables Check’ (MTC). The test will judge how well each child knows their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12, which is the expected standard by the end of Year 4.

The test will be administered in the summer term and will involve an online test of 25 multiplication questions. The results will then be shared with us to help us best support the children, as they progress through the Y5 and Y6 maths curriculum.

Key information regarding the test is attached, however I am also delivering a short meeting on Tuesday 4th February at 2:30pm, in the junior building hall to discuss the Multiplication Tables Check and how you can support your child at home.

If you are able to attend the meeting, can you indicate on the slip attached below and return to school as soon as possible, so I have an idea of numbers. The meeting will finish in time for school pick up. If you are unable to attend the meeting, the information will be put on the school website.

Thank you for your continual support.

Mrs McBrien
Assistant Headteacher

Download: Multiplication Tables Check (Y4) Letter [PDF]
Download: Multiplication Leaflet [PDF]

Disruptive Social Media Letter

Dear Parents / Carer,

At St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School we are fortunate that the majority of parents and carers appreciate that educating our pupils involves partnership between all of the school community. A good working partnership is important to equip pupils with the necessary skills for adulthood and we welcome and encourage parents and carers to fully participate in the life of our school.

Unfortunately, the behaviour of a minority of parents and carers can impact negatively upon the good working partnership. We believe that all school staff, parents, carers and pupils are entitled to a safe and protective environment in which to learn and work. The purpose of this letter is to provide a reminder of the conduct expected from all visitors to our school.

Disruptive behaviour

For many of us this may come as a surprise, however a third of schoolteachers nationally have suffered abusive behaviour from parents and carers in the past. We firmly believe that all members of the school community have the absolute right to work and be in school without fear of aggression or abusive behaviour from parents and carers. Such behaviour can be through face to face contact, in written communications, on the telephone or by the use of social media and can present a risk to staff and pupils. To support a safe school environment, we cannot tolerate parents, carers or visitors who exhibit any of the following behaviour:

  • Use of loud and/or offensive language or display temper
  • Threaten to carry out actual bodily harm to any other person on school premises
  • Damage/destroy school property
  • Intimidate any other person on school premises
  • Make vexatious or malicious allegations against a member of the school community, either in writing or via direct contact verbally
  • Insult any member of the school community in an attempt to demean or undermine

The above list is not exhaustive and any individual exhibiting disruptive or unreasonable behaviour will be considered in accordance with the school’s Code of Conduct (which can be accessed via The school may ultimately decide to impose restrictions on an individual when entering the school premises including a ban from school entirely, which may also extend to non-admittance to school events such as pupil plays/assemblies and communications restricted to writing or via a third party.

The use of social media for parents’ views

Whilst we appreciate the right to freedom of speech and recognise the benefits of using social media, unfortunately on occasions we experience situations where members of the school community use social media to exhibit inappropriate behaviour.

It is further appreciated that social media users may be of the opinion that their postings are ‘private’. However, once a comment is posted other social media users can forward/share such views. If postings are considered to be threatening or discriminatory, the school may have to refer the matter to the Police and report it to the social media provider. Given the above we ask you never to refer to individual pupils or any member of school staff on social media and we respectfully refer all members of the school community to our Social Media Policy which can be accessed via the school website

It is recognised that parents and carers may not always agree with a particular course of action taken by the school or may have concerns in respect of the school community. We welcome constructive feedback and encourage concerns to be discussed with the relevant person in the school in the first instance. Any complaints which cannot be resolved in this manner should be channelled via our school’s complaint policy which can be accessed via the school website.

In connection with a city-wide drive to tackle disruptive behaviour and social media issues, this letter is provided to our school community with support from the Chair of Governors, Merseyside Police and Liverpool City Council. We encourage parents and carers to promote positive role models in both the real and digital world. We seek to provide a safe and protective environment in which they can learn and school personnel can work.

Kind Regards,

Tony Reeves
Chief Executive
Liverpool City Council

Steve Reddy
Director of Children and Young People’s Services
Liverpool City Council

Diane Pownall
Supt Liverpool Community Policing
LP Command

Download: Disruptive Social Media Letter [PDF]

Reception Class RJ Assembly

Dear Parents


Reception would like to invite the parents of Class RJ to their assembly in the hall on Wednesday 29th January at 2.40pm.  Hall doors will be open at 2.30 pm and tea/coffee will be available before the start.  Please use front entrance, gate opposite Tesco.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Crowther

Class RJ Assembly letter

INFANT – Chinese New Year Themed Lunch Letter

INFANT – Chinese New Year Themed Lunch

To celebrate Chinese New Year on Thursday 23rd January, there will be a themed school hot dinner available:


Chicken curry served with boiled rice or noodles

Vegetable fried rice and curry sauce


Ice cream served with mandarins

Fortune cookie

Orange juice

If you wish your child to have a school hot dinner on this say and they usually have a packed lunch, please complete the attached slip and return it to their class teacher no later than Tuesday 21st January at 11am. If we receive monies after this date and time the meal cannot be ordered by the kitchen staff, which I am sure you understand.

Download: Chinese New Year Menu – January 2020 [PDF]

Reception Children Local Walk Letter

Reception Parents/Carers,

The children will be going on a short walk around Old Swan on Friday 24th January.

If you are willing for your child to take part in this educational walk please could you complete the form below and pass it back to the Reception team ASAP.

Download: Reception Local Walk Letter [PDF]