PTFA Christmas Raffle Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

The P.T.F.A. have been working hard over the last few weeks to arrange a variety of stalls for the mince pies and baubles event including a Christmas Raffle.

The prizes are as follows:

  • Nando’s voucher
  • Knowsley Safari Park vouchers
  • Experience days voucher
  • The Entertainer voucher
  • Sweet hamper
  • Hair salon vouchers
  • L1 barbers vouchers
  • Angel’s nails voucher
  • Emmie Lou Bakery goods

And more…

Important Information

Tickets will be sold on the Monday and Tuesday mornings in both buildings before school and on the night of the event.

Cost of tickets is £1 per strip.

The raffle will be drawn at the end of the Mince pie and Baubles event on Wednesday 11 December.

Please don’t worry if you can not be there on the day we will inform all prize winners after the draw.

Thank you for your continued support

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: PTFA Christmas Raffle letter [PDF]

Breakfast Club New Booking System Letter


Recently we launched the new school app and you should have received an enrollment letter to allow you to access to our Weduc App.

When we launched the app we mentioned that it would be used to allow parents to book places in the school Breakfast Club. We are now able to trial this function so you will be able to book and pay for places at Breakfast Club on the app. The trial will take place from now until the Christmas Holidays and if it is successful we will roll out the system fully on the return to school in January.

During the trial period you will be able to book and pay for Breakfast Club using the app or turn up at Breakfast Club as currently and pay on the door. After the holidays, we will be limiting the number of places to 50 and priority will be given to pupils who have pre-paid for places via the app.

To book places on the app, go to the payments section and choose the pupil and the sessions you would like to book. You can pick just one day or any number of days up until Christmas at the moment. Please remember, your reservation isn’t confirmed until you have paid and checked out the booking. So just placing a session into the basket will not reserve the place.

If you need an enrollment code, please let me know and one will be sent to you via email or paper copy. If you would be interested in setting up a PayPoint account, to allow you to top up a payment card in local shops, please let us know as this may be possible.

The payment function of the app is also being used to allow payments for school trips and will be used more and more. We also hope to expand the use to school meals so you will only need one school app in the future.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Mr Strom

Business Manager

Download: Weduc payments – Breakfast Club [PDF]

Afterschool Clubs Finishing Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Afterschool Clubs – Finish on Friday 13th December

All afterschool clubs will finish on Friday 13th December except for MD Productions which finishes this Thursday 5th December.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs C Sime
Deputy Headteacher

Download: Afterschool Clubs Finishing Letter [PDF]

Christmas Jumper Day Letter

Make the World Better with a Sweater

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we enter the season of Advent in preparation for the Christmas celebrations, on our website is the lists of events and relevant dates., I hope that as many of you as possible will join us for some of them but especially any of the school Collective Worships of the Nativity.

As is normal practice for all Catholic schools, December sees the start of our collection on behalf of Cafod, the Catholic association for overseas development. Each class will be choosing a gift from the Cafod brochure that they would like to send to someone on behalf of their classes; the gifts range from chirpy chicken to helping to fund a community toilet! The children do something positive to rediscover the real meaning of Christmas, sharing the love, peace and joy at this special time of year. If you could encourage your child to donate some of their pocket money, then they will be fully embracing the Christ in Christmas.

To help towards this cause on Friday 13th December the children are invited to attend school in either Christmas jumpers or in jumpers decorated with Christmas baubles, tinsel etc., nobody should go to any additional expense; the home decorated jumpers are always the best!

The children should pay £1.00 towards the fundraising day and half monies will be spent by the classes choosing their special gift and half to Save the Children.

This day is also Christmas dinner day so will be a lovely celebration in school.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh

Head Teacher

Download: Christmas Jumper Day Letter [PDF]

Mince Pies and Baubles Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

The PTFA have planned a Christmas social event on Wednesday 11th December – Mince Pies and Baubles from 3:15pm – 4:45pm as part of our Christmas celebrations in school and we hope you can join us.

All the children are making their own bauble before in class and these will be sold for 50p on the night. Refreshments will be available from both school halls. The choir will also be entertaining us with Christmas Carols.

Father Christmas may also be dropping in on the event, so it should be a very festive occasion.

I am sure you agree this will be a lovely night to share with your children.

Thanks for your continued support

Miss C Sime

Deputy Headteacher

Download: Mince Pie and Baubles 2019 [PDF]

Miss Sime’s Leaving Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we come to the last few busy weeks of the autumn term there are numerous events and occasions that are happening in school. You should have received a letter detailing all the dates and times of these, this went out a couple of weeks ago and are on our school website. Please make sure you check so as not to miss your child’s important occasions.

I also wanted to make you aware that Miss Sime my Deputy Head, will be leaving St Oswald’s at Christmas. The fantastic news is that she is moving on to be the Head teacher of St Matthews’ Catholic Primary School, a well-deserved promotion.

Miss Sime has worked in St Oswald’s for many years gaining promotion from class teacher to her current role. She has been instrumental in the success of our amalgamation and in raising standards across the primary school. She has taught lots of generations across the Old Swan area so her leaving is going to be very emotional for all concerned, particularly her.

On Friday 6th December we are holding a school mass at 10am in St Oswald’s Church to celebrate and thank Miss Sime for all her commitment to the school and parish of St Oswald’s. Years 2, 4, 5& 6 will be attending the mass and parents/carers are very welcome to attend. It would be a testament to Miss Sime’s career if there were representatives from the whole community.

Personally, I would like to thank Miss Sime for her dedication and commitment to the children of St Oswald’s, I know she will be a fabulous Head teacher and St Matthews’ is lucky to be getting such a talented leader. I know that all the parents and carers would like to join me in wishing her good luck and happiness in her new role.

St Oswald’s will continue to serve the children with a replacement for Miss Sime, initially with a seconded leader from another school while we advertise for a substantive Deputy Head teacher. This is a challenging time for school, but I am confident that all the staff will work together to ensure a smooth transition in the appointments.


Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh

Head teacher

Miss Sime’s leaving letter

Nursery Christmas Holidays Closure Letter

Dear Parents


Nursery will finish on Thursday 19th December at normal times and re-open on Monday 6th January at normal times.

We would like to thank you for your co-operation throughout the year and wish you all a very peaceful Christmas and New Year.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


Download: Christmas Holiday Closure 2019 [PDF]

Reception Classes Lending Library Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

In school this year we are continuing to develop our school lending library initiative which we currently run in Nursery. From Tuesday December 3rd we will begin our Reception Lending Library. The library contains a wide variety of resources including story sacks, games and books that you can borrow for a week at time all free of charge, all that we ask is that resources are well looked after and returned school.

The lending library will be open every Tuesday at 8.30am – at the Reception entrance:

If you would like to return any items before a Tuesday please ask a member of the Reception staff for a returns slips so we can sign items back in correctly and ensure they are removed from your lending record. Please note lending will however only take place on a Tuesday items cannot be signed out on any other day.

In order to develop our library and continue to build on the initial success we would welcome feedback on how you have found the range resources and also any suggestions you have for books / resources that you would like to find in the Library.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss C Sime

Deputy Headteacher

Download: Reception Classes Lending Library Letter [PDF]

Families in Difficulty this Christmas Letter

Dear Parents and Carers

As a School we are mindful that Christmas time can be a difficult time for some families and with the changes to the benefit system and the introduction of Universal Credit we realise this Christmas may be particularly hard for some people.

As I am sure you are already aware, in school we try to do as much as we possibly can to support our families and local community.

If you feel this Christmas is a particularly difficult time for you please contact school who may be able to sign post you to other agencies or offer some help or support.

Please note any information will be treated in confidence, contact should be made via the offices to Miss Sime.

Thank you for your continued help and support

Miss Sime

Deputy head Teacher

Download: Families in Difficulty Letter [PDF]

Nursery Mouse Club Letter

Don’t forget our next Mouse Club

Monday 2nd December

10:30 for morning families & 2:15 for afternoon families

Come and make some Christmas crafts with your children and mouse

Mouse club poster 2nd December