EU Settlement Scheme

EU Settlement Scheme

14th May 2021

EU Settlement Scheme Dear parents & Carers, This is an important notice for all non-UK citizens The UK has now…More

Infant Merit Assembly

Infant Merit Assembly

14th May 2021

  Merit Assembly   Class Behaviour Star of the Week Writer Quackers Nursery AM Tily Harley Monica Isabel Nursery PM…More

Junior Weekly Awards

Junior Weekly Awards

14th May 2021

Behaviour 3BW   Daniel   3LY   Ella A    3NT   Luna 4PM   Finley    4LD   Shea   4RD   Steven 5AB   Harvey      5KN    Molly   5WL   Amy W…More

Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

12th May 2021

Good Morning,   Please see the link for this week’s Wednesday Word below.   Blessings and best wishes,   The…More

Wednesday Word – 12th May

11th May 2021

Good morning, Please see the link for this week’s Wednesday Word below. Wednesday Word – 12th May [PDF] Blessings and best…More

Junior Weekly Awards

Junior Weekly Awards

7th May 2021

Behaviour 3BW   Nancy   3LY   Clodagh    3NT   Raffael 4PM   Alissa    4LD   Ava   4RD   Leighton 5AB   Ruby   5KN   Eve   5WL   Thomas H 6DN…More

Infant Merit Awards

Infant Merit Awards

7th May 2021

  Merit Assembly   Class Behaviour Star of the Week     Writer Quackers Nursery AM Roma K Emily E…More

Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

7th May 2021

  Good Morning,   Please see the link for this week’s Wednesday Word below.   Blessings and best wishes,  …More