Letter to Year 6

Letter to Year 6

15th July 2020

Dear Year 6, It is with sadness and disappointment that I write to say goodbye! After such a great school…More

Breakfast Club Letter

Breakfast Club Letter

14th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers, In September, we are considering reopening our Breakfast Club, initially for key workers children. In order to adhere…More

Home Worship – 12th July

Home Worship – 12th July

12th July 2020

Please find attached resources for Home Worship for week beginning 12th July: Download: Home Worship Week Beginning 12th July [PDF]

Transition Booklets

Transition Booklets

5th July 2020

Please find below Transition Booklets to help our pupils as they move up to their next classes: Nursery to Reception…More