Year Group Overview

Download: Year 4 – Summer Overview 2024-2025 [PDF]
Download: Year 4 – Spring Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Year 4 – Autumn Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: Year 4 – Long Term Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: Year 4 – Reading Spine [PDF]

Follow our X feed to see all the wonderful enrichment activities we have been doing in Year 4.

Brief Overview – Spring Term 2024

What a fun filled, action packed, mind boggling term we have coming up!

We are looking forward to learning the rules of netball and are eager to improve our tennis and athletic skills during our games and PE lessons. We are also excited to start our Outside Adventure Activities in PE including identifying key symbols on a map and using a key to help navigate around a grid.

During English we will be studying explanations, plays, magazines and poetry this term. In maths we will be covering multiplication and division, time, fractions and decimals.

We will be learning about Safer searching in our Computing lessons and can’t wait to create and edit our own videos using special effects in Spring 2.

In our Roman Britain History topic, we will find out about the Roman invasion of Britannia and how the ancient Britons fought back. We learn about those who rose up against the Romans and the rebellions led by Caractacus and later Boudicca. We learn about the development of Roman towns in Britannia and life as a Roman soldier on the frontier.

In Geography, we move closer to home as we learn about coastal processes and landforms and how the location of West Wales affect its coast. We will find out about coastal landforms including beaches, headlands and bays and the processes of erosion on our coastline. We will then move on to looking at the advantages and disadvantages of tourism and understand what sustainable tourism means.

In Art we will create landscape art inspired by famous artists including Van Gogh and L.S Lowry. We will also explore colour mixing through printing, using two colour overlays. Our final product will be to create a land or sky, natural or industrial landscape with paint. In DT we will be designing a pop-up product using levers and linkages.

This term in RE, we will consider what makes a community and why it is good to belong to one. We will question whether we think it is better to give or receive and why self- discipline is important in our lives. During our module, Created by God, in our RSHE lessons we will be focusing on our emotional wellbeing and life cycles. Our ‘Journey in Love’ sessions will focus on how we should treat others making links with the diverse modern society we live in.

We will be singing and playing musical instruments in Science during our sound topic and in Spring 2 will be studying furry creatures and creepy crawlies and other plants and animals that live in our local environment.

Our Spanish lessons with Senorita Pat, will include comparing different types of weather around the world and studying where animals live which ties in nicely to our science topic.

Homework in Year 4

New homework is given each Monday. The homework relates to maths and English work that we have done in school. In addition, children are asked to complete times tables and spellings tasks. We ask that this is given in to the class teacher every Friday so that it can be marked. We suggest that weekly homework should take no longer than 30 minutes. If you are struggling with homework, stop after this time and let your teacher know.

All children should read with someone at home for 15 minutes each night and Reading Records must be signed and dated. These should be sent into school every Thursday so children can be heard read and the books changed. Some children will take home a Read Write Inc book and a reading for pleasure book.

PE Lessons

Year 4 will have PE on Monday and Thursday each week.

Please ensure that children have the correct PE kit in school on these days.

Times Tables

As you may be aware, all children in Year 4 will complete a Multiplication Tables Check in the summer term. This test will determine whether they can recall their times tables fluently. The test is completed on a laptop or tablet and consists of 25 random times tables questions which the children have 6 seconds to answer.

There are a number of online platforms which mirror the format of the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and allow children to become familiar with how to complete the test. This letter contains a numbers of online platforms for practising times tables.

Download: Year 4 Times Table Letter [PDF]