Year Group Overview

Download: Year 5 – Long Term Overview 2024-2025 [PDF]

Download: Year 5 – Autumn Overview 2024-2025 [PDF]

Download: Year 5 – Reading Spine [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Maths Autumn 2022-2023 [PDF]

Follow our X feed to see all the wonderful enrichment activities we have been doing in Year 5.

Brief Overview

In the first part of our Summer Term, we will learn about how the Angles, Saxons and Vikings shaped England and Scotland in Opening Worlds History and link it to our previous topics about the Vikings. In Opening Worlds Geography, we will be studying how the geography of South America affects life in the Amazon, and in Science we will be exploring Earth and Space.

In our Maths lessons we will be working on Area & Perimeter and then moving on to Properties of Shape. During our English lessons, we will continue with our daily Read, Write, Inc. Spelling sessions and we will study Poetic Style and also Persuasive Writing. Our RE topics will focus on Pentecost and Transformation of the Holy Spirit, and then Freedom & Responsibility.

We will also be developing our sculpture skills in Art week, creating the human form in the style of Anthony Gormley, studying the differences between the World Wide Web and the Internet in our Computing lessons and our Spanish topic will allow us to discuss our hobbies. In our Music lessons we will be composing our own rhythms.

During this term we will also be taking part in Gymnastics every Thursday afternoon, with our other PE lesson being Hockey on a Tuesday morning. For further information related to our curriculum and learning please see our subject specific pages.

Spelling Overview

Download: Year 5 – Term 1A – Overview [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Term 1B – Overview [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Term 2A – Overview [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Term 2B – Overview [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Term 3A – Overview [PDF]
Download: Year 5 – Term 3B – Overview [PDF]

Homework in Year 5

Homework is given out weekly every Monday and is to be handed in by the following Monday. The work will usually consist of two pieces of work, one Maths and one Literacy, which will be related to the topics the children have been studying that week.

We encourage all children to read with someone at home each night, with reading records signed and dated. The children may swap then their reading books when they have read them. In addition, children are asked to complete times tables practice at home when possible.

If there are ever any problems with completing homework or your child is struggling, please tell them to come in and ask their teacher for help before the deadline day; this gives teachers the chance to help your child and mark it before needing to hand out new homework.

Timetables Practice

Year 5 children are expected to know all of their multiplication tables up to 12×12. This should be practised regularly at home.


This should be 15 minutes with someone at home and Reading Records must be signed and dated.

Weekly Homework

We suggest weekly homework should take no longer than 30 minutes. If you are struggling with homework, stop after this time and let your teacher know.