Curriculum Overview and Policy

Download: PE – Curriculum Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: PE – Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: Activity Progression Ladders [PDF]
Download: Progression Journeys [PDF]
Download: Progression of Vocabulary Documents [PDF]

Download: PE and Sport Premium – 2022-2023 End of Year Review [PDF]
Download: PE and Sport Premium – 2021-2022 End of Year Review [PDF]

Download: PE – Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: PE Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]

Follow our X feed to see all the wonderful enrichment activities we have been doing in PE.

PE Curriculum Drivers

Language – The importance of vocabulary is undeniable. Being able to communicate with team mates, follow specific PE instructions using Tier three words or using specific vocabulary when discussing tactics drives our children to succeed in PE. (Faith in Our Voice)

Diversity and Inclusion – PE is for everyone! It inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities and provides opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. (Faith in Others)

Resilience – Offering all of our children opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect. Driving the competitive nature within sports build resilience and sets our children up to be more determined to achieve and succeed with their goals. (Faith in Ourselves)

Enrichment – Extra-curricular activities, intra and inter competitions and otter forms of sport that occur within school complement and enrich the PE curriculum whilst also offering opportunities for all pupils to develop their cultural capital by providing opportunities they may not have had otherwise. (Faith in Our Journey)

Physical Education – Intent

At St. Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, our curriculum is aligned with our mission statement that ‘Together with Jesus, we will Learn and Grow in Faith’ thus ensuring that ALL pupils have access to a broad, balanced, supportive, sequenced and ambitious curriculum which provides them with the knowledge, skills and experiences’ they need to succeed in life.

Within our PE curriculum, we aim to create a culture which inspires an active lifestyle to enjoy PE, to encourage each other and encourage healthy competition. We provide a safe and supportive environment for children to flourish in a range of different physical activities which is essential in supporting their physical, emotional, spiritual, social and moral development.

We encourage all children to develop their understanding of the way in which they can use their body, equipment and apparatus safely yet imaginatively to achieve their personal goals, through an inclusive, dynamic, varied and stimulating program of activity. We aim to ensure that all children progress physically, with opportunities to access a wide range of sports and that all children have the opportunity to enjoy being physically active, maintain a healthy lifestyle and using the medium of sport and increase their self-esteem throughout their time in St. Oswald’s. We aspire for children to adopt a positive mind-set and believe that anything can be achieved with determination and resilience.

The aim of Physical Education is to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Children are taught fair play, honest competition and good sporting behaviour as individual participants and life-long values such as co-operation, collaboration and resilience from Nursery to year 6.

We provide opportunities for all children to learn how to stay safe by offering swimming lessons in years 3 and 5 (with additional catch up in year 6), knowing how to keep safe and to also meet the National Curriculum requirements of swimming 25m by the end of Year 6.

At St Oswald’s we aim for children to develop the necessary knowledge and skills which will have a positive impact on their futures by becoming physically active citizens to benefit their long-term health and well-being as well as offering a wide range of both internal and external sporting events and extracurricular activities to target and meet the needs of all children.

Physical Education – Implementation

At St Oswald’s, our PE curriculum is varied and long-term plans ensure that we meet the requirements of the National Curriculum. Each year group receive at least two hours (KS2) and 1hr 30 minutes (KS1) of high-quality PE using the outside space or school hall (year 3 and 5 are also offered swimming lessons). All children have a weekly PE lesson with their class teacher and have sessions (varied by term) with a qualified coach. Through this, children receive expert coaching to develop fundamental skills through a variety of activities and games suitable to their key stage and topics covered. All teachers and coaches will build on skills learnt from previous years when planning each learning objective, with an overall aim for those skills to be applied through a healthy and friendly competition. Teachers will introduce vocabulary for each topic based on the skills that are being taught and skills from previous years. The vocabulary will be constantly repeated and questioned throughout each lesson. All vocabulary links to developing the whole body.

We offer a broad range of sports and our curriculum is sequenced precisely to ensure progression of knowledge and skills throughout a child’s primary education, enabling children to build upon prior experiences and skills taught in previous years and apply these fluently and with confidence. Children also have the opportunity to further these skills at after school sports clubs and both inter and intra school competitions. Inter and intra sports competitions are something that we are aiming to strengthen as a school and although we enjoy the competitive nature of sport, we also appreciate and encourage the importance of participation and positive experiences of being physically active. At St Oswald’s we aim to provide a broad range of activities based on children’s interests and we have an inclusive approach and value the importance of physical and mental well-being.

Children take part in a range of invasion, striking & fielding or net & wall games, we promote imagination and creativity in gymnastics and dance as well as provide opportunities for athletics using both indoor and outdoor environment. Pupils are encouraged to take part in after school clubs and have the opportunity to compete against other schools. In KS2, children go on a residential course to Colomendy for outdoor activities. Physical Education is fundamental in developing healthy lifestyles in young people and at St Oswald’s. Playtimes and Lunch times are an important part of our pupils being happy, healthy and ready to learn.

Teachers at St Oswald’s effectively assess within lessons by engaging, supporting and motivating pupils to become competent, confident, creative and reflective movers by meeting. Teachers formatively assess within each lesson and using a competitive element and the end of the topic assess the application of skills taught.

To develop leadership and communication skills, children can apply to become a Young Play Leader in both KS1 and KS2 which is a responsible role in encouraging children to learn how to play collaborative games, respecting rules and to be as active as possible during playtimes. Children selected are positive role-models for younger members of the school, organising lunchtime games and assisting with annual sports days in the Summer term.

At St Oswald’s we recognise the importance of being physically active throughout the school day and in partnership with our school Maths team, the whole school embrace the ‘Active Maths’ program which is thoroughly enjoyed by both pupils and staff, children are fully engaged and enthused. Throughout the day classes have the option to participate in the ‘Daily Mile’ to help meet the government target of all children being physically active for 60 minutes per day.

Recovery Curriculum Addendum

During our recover curriculum we mainly focused on children’s social and emotional wellbeing. Physical Education lends itself to so much more than just the physical and whilst physical health is also very important for our children at this time, our subject caters very much so to the development of a child’s social, emotional and cognitive needs too. Through this, during our Catch up curriculum, we identified gaps and progression of skills that had not been taught and included them within both our Catch up and recovery curriculum to ensure that all skills that had been missed through the pandemic had been taught in conjunction with new skills and objectives.

Additional Resources

External Link:
External Link: National Curriculum in England – Physical Education Programmes of Study