Dear Parents/Carers,
The PTFA would like to invite your child to the Infant school disco on Thursday 6th February 2020.
The Year 1 and 2 disco will take place from 3.15pm – 4.15pm in the Infant Hall. Please ensure all children are picked up promptly at 4.15pm from their usual pick-u point.
Tickets for the event are priced at £2 and will be available for purchase on Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February at 9am in the Infant Hall.
Children are able to wear their own clothes on this day and will be provided will a snack and a drink during the event.
If any parents wish to volunteer to help out on the night, the PTFA are always grateful of your support. Please contact the school Office if you think you could help out!
We hope your child enjoys the disco and thank you for your ongoing support with PTFA events in school.
Mr Crowther and St Oswald’s Catholic Primary PTFA
Download: PTFA Disco for Years 1 & 2 Letter [PDF]