Infant Monitors

In the Infant School, we have chosen children to be our School Monitors. Our School Monitors come from our Year 1 and Year 2 classes. The Monitors have important duties to perform in and around the school.

The duties include:

  • Helping at lunchtime.
  • Helping at playtime.
  • Supervising our school corridors.
  • Helping to sell poppies.
  • Being a good example.
  • Wearing a smile.

Junior Monitors

This year, our school have appointed class monitors to help around school. Our team of monitors are chosen by the class teacher within each class. These roles enable children to take on positions of responsibility within the school, in preparation for aiming to become a prefect in Year 6. Monitors will be given various roles and responsibilities in shadowing prefects and will be given roles to work alongside the prefects. Monitors will also be considered by class teachers for any jobs in class or around school. They work directly with pupils to improve the ‘behaviour for learning’ in school.

Our Monitors:


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