Play leaders have an important role in our school. They make sure that everyone has someone to play with at break and lunch, as well as come up with ideas for games children could play. They also take care of our playground equipment by checking everyone is using it correctly and safely. Please chat to a play leader if you feel lonely or upset at breaktimes – they are more than happy to help!

Aims of Play Leaders

At St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, we encourage children to develop as individuals. One of the ways we try to encourage this is a ‘Play Leading Scheme’. The scheme promotes children’s well-being, abilities, social skills and team work. It also encourages the older children to organize games for the younger children, it promotes the children’s organization, communication and responsibility skills and most importantly they all have fun! We meet on a regular basis with Mr. Mosaid and Mr. Wall to discuss new games and play equipment and questions that the children want to ask.

Our play leaders volunteer their time to support the younger pupils at play times to establish a happy play time for all children. They have received training on how to deliver different games at break time. As well as delivering traditional playground games, the children have lots of play equipment to enjoy, ranging from hula hoops, skipping ropes, basketball, netball, bowling, football and dodgeball with more equipment on the way!

Another of the aims of the scheme is that it will increase the amount of physical activity undertaken during playtime/lunchtime and reduce the amount of behavior issues on the playground. It is hoped there will be a whole school impact in terms of children’s behavior both at lunchtime and in afternoon lessons.

Play Leaders for 2024-2025


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Play Leader Ambassadors

Our play leader Ambassadors are in the process of being trained by an outside tutor in the games that can be played on our playground. The aim of Play Leader Ambassadors is to encourage activity and fun in a structured way particularly at lunchtime. Our dinner ladies and TA’s will help organize a variety of games and our Ambassadors will be there to support the activities.

You can help our children by telling them about the games you used to play in school. Could we incorporate some of these into our playground games? Stuck in the mud, May I, two balls and lots more. We would love your ideas.