Weekly Awards


Class Behaviour Star of the Week
Nursery AM Jackson Teddy
Nursery PM Caleb Penelope
Nursery 30 HRS Hallie Jack
RJC Oliver Matilda
RAB Carter Florence
RLW Angelina Frankie
1AJ Ervin Serene
1NT Bella Ayda
1JF Bonnie Aliyah
2CD Elizabeth Barney
2PM Sienna Sumaya
2CT Jayden Shakthi

   Infant House Team Winner is Archer



Class Behaviour Star of the Week
3NM Roma Achu
3HF Harry Yu Yuan
3KF Isabelle Alici
4JC Zihan Jayden C
4EC Shafiq Iraklis
4KL James Leah
5SD Miles Hope
5SG Isabella Jack
5RD Sophie Ava
6LD Evie Yu Hao
6WH Isla Rocco
6AB Daniel Summer


  Junior House Team Winner: Roscoe

Summer 2 Newsletter 2024

Please find below our Summer 2 Newsletter:

Download: Summer 2 Newsletter 2024 [PDF]

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Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

4EC Thomas C              4LD  Mia K                

5AB Ahmed                  5RD Maddison           5SG Rebecca

6LD Shika                     6JW   Michelle           6SD Aaron



Star Award:

4EC Jude H                 4LH Amelia C

5AB Archie K              5RD Ahmed B              5SG Chloe

6LD Dylan                   6JW Jared                   6SD Josh


This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Lightbody



Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Daisy               3NM Anna                 3SF Rocco

4EC Niamh              4LD   Amber              4LH Leighton A

5AB Eva W              5RD Giovanni           5SG Bobby

6LD Mila                  6JW Libby                  6SD Raf



Star Award:

3HH Charles               3NM Charlie            3SF Polly

4EC Johanna              4LD Max                 4LH Ebony

5AB Daniel                 5RD Lucy                5SG Poppy

6LD Dylan                   6JW AJ                   6SD Daniel



This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: ROSCOE



Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Archie N         3NM   Lucia           3SF Jacob

4EC Oscar               4LD Paul                 4LH Miles

5AB Ellis                 5RD Maya               5SG James

6LD Daisy               6JW Diya                6SD Ian



Star Award:

3HH Archie D              3NM Shafiq              3SF Isla

4EC Isla                        4LD Katie                  4LH Michael

5AB Angelo                 5RD Bobby T            5SG Thomas

6LD Mert                     6JW     Alex K           6SD Daniel



This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard




Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Jewel              3SF William

4EC Emily               4LD    Dougie         4LH Bella

5AB Anna              5RD   Jayden          5SG Samuel

6LD Dominika        6JW Jared              6SD Mason



Star Award:

3HH Tilly            3SF Sofia

4EC Halle          4LD Lilia             4LH Giuliana

5AB Ellis           5RD James         5SG Izzy

6LD Lucian       6JW Jamie          6SD Marissa



This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard  



Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Hayley              3NM Bonnie                        3SF Charlotte

4EC Patrick               4LD Jack                           4LH Amelia B

5AB Max                   5RD Caiofe                       5SG Rebecca

6LD Sophie               6JW All PGL children        6SD Kayla



Star Award:

3HH Vincie               3NM Amir                          3SF Nicole

4EC Xinham             4LD Layla                         4LH Luca

5AB  Ahmed            5RD Rocco                       5SG Poppy

6LD Max                   6JW All PGL children       6SD Raf


This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard




Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Eva                3NM   Mason             3SF Ruxandra

4EC George          4LD Ewan                 4LH Hope

5AB Ella -Rose     5RD Mason               5SG April

6LD Mila                6JW Dya                   6SD Rueben



Star Award:

3HH Leah               3NM                    3SF JJ

4EC Isla                 4LD Kendal         4LH Michael

5AB Lucas            5RD Lenny           5SG Samuel



This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Roscoe

Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Lewis           3NMJack                 3SF Charlotte

4EC Robin            4LD   Heidi              4LH Annie L

5AB Elle-Jae        5RD Amy                 5SG Clayton

6LD Melissa         6JW Alex K              6SD Jensen



Star Award:

3HH Isabella          3NM   Blake          3SF Naim

4EC Emily              4LD Lucas             4LH Archie

5AB Varun             5RD Leighton        5SG Freddie

6LD Jay                 6JW Nicole            6SD Bobby


This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard


Junior Weekly Awards

Behaviour Award:

3HH Jenson             3NM Ruby                 3SF Maia

4EC Sophie             4LD Lexi                    4LH Scarlett

5AB  Aswika           5RD Daniel                 5SG Thomas

6LD Neve                6JW Layla                 6SD Daniel



Star Award:

3HH Benji             3NM Isabella             3SF Joao

4EC Jude              4LD Laila                  4LH Zach

5AB Angelo          5RD Bobby H            5SG Charlotte

6LD Florence        6JW Charlotte            6SD Jasmine B


This week’s Junior House Team Winners are all children in: Sheppard