It was ‘Parental Involvement’ week in school, on the week of the 7th November. We ran two Maths Problem Solving workshops, one in KS1 and one in KS2. Parents, grandparents and carers were given the chance to come into school and work with their child to solve some challenging problems.
It was lovely to see so many turn up and there was lots of great problem solving taking place. Parents and children worked together to reason, justify and explain solutions to the problems. We had a really positive reaction from both children and their parents, so do look out for further opportunities later in the year where you can work with your child and see what maths they do in school.
A big thank you to all the parents and carers who joined in with such enthusiasm.
Here are some of the comments from the evaluation form.
‘It was a great opportunity to bond and work together’
‘It was positive to see my daughter in her school environment and being able to focus just on her.’
‘Having fun with my daughter, which in turn makes Maths more fun for her’
‘Thanks for today, we both really enjoyed it and would welcome more sessions.’
‘I enjoyed interacting with my child whilst solving maths problems. It was so much fun’
‘It was great to see my child learning Maths in a fun way.’
‘It was fun to work together in school, with no distractions such as TV, Ipads or computer games.’