It is very important to promote and build links with parents and families in the Early Years Foundation Stage. In our Nursery this starts with stay and play sessions for parents to become more involved in with their children’s learning. The ‘Make it Count’ creative maths project has been successfully completed by some Nursery parents and families with their children and is currently running with some of our Reception families. We have enjoyed having the opportunity to work with parents and grandparents during these sessions and later in the year similar sessions will be offered with a literacy focus.
We are very keen to share in the learning the children do at home and in order to make this easier to share we offer a variety of ways in which this can be done. Wow moment sheets are available from all classes in Nursery and Reception and we always welcome any photos you wish to send in or notes about what your children have been doing at home. We will always copy these and pass the originals back. We also now have email addresses set up for Reception and Nursery where parents and families can send emails to us with or without photos which we can then share on our noticeboards and with the class as show and tell opportunities. The children love to share news from home.
Useful links