Next week Monday May 14th- Thursday May 17h the year 6 end of key stage assessments in reading, grammar, punctuation, spelling & maths are taking place in school. The writing assessments are ongoing throughout the year, they are externally moderated for accuracy and a final standard agreed.
It is important that all the children attend school all week and arrive in time for a prompt start, so that they are not rushed or stressed. We will be providing a breakfast bar and drink for all children in the year 6 area from 8.15 to 8.45am.
These tests are important assessments which will be used by the secondary schools to set your children into the correct ability levels. The children have been preparing for these tests and should be relaxed and confident; every child knows that all that they have been asked to do is their best. Occasionally some children get themselves worried and stressed about how well they will do, I’m sure most of us can remember the feelings!! Please try and reassure your child and help them to relax over the weekend and have some early nights so that they will be refreshed and ready for the week ahead.
The timetable for the tests is on the reverse. If for any reason your child is ill and unable to take the test it is vital that you let school know as soon as possible in the morning but please try to send your child in unless they are really seriously unwell.
We wish all the year 6 children success next week.