12th November 2019

Our first half term in Year 3 has flown by! We have dived into many interesting new topics.

In Literacy, we have written a detailed story setting of Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory and produced information texts about various topics.

In Maths, we have developed our addition and subtraction knowledge, using number lines and the column method. We will be working on our multiplication and division skills this half term.

We have really enjoyed our swimming lessons so far at the Swimming Baths. We have all tried our hardest to push ourselves to swim new distances. We look forward to the rest of our swimming lessons before Christmas.

In History, we have explored our local area by studying the history of Old Swan. We gained first-hand experiences of this on our local area walk. Now we will be moving on to explore the changing geography of Liverpool.

Our Science lessons have been very interesting so far this year. We have learnt about the importance of eating a balanced diet and recognising how our joints and muscles work with our skeleton.

Year 3 are looking forward to Christmas already and will soon be preparing our Nativity performance in December!

Stay tuned to find out about the rest of our exciting journey in Year 3.
