14th November 2019

Dear Year 1 Parents/Carers,

As you know in Year 1 we have a very active curriculum for the children to enjoy. This term we are looking at our Local area of Old Swan in Geography, looking at seasonal changes between autumn and winter in Science and focusing on Instructions in English.

As a result, we would like to take the children on a local area walk so they can explore these different topics. We aim to explore our local area in terms of what the area around school looks like and link this into our instructions to write to local councillors some instructions of how to improve our local area. We will also use the information we find to create instructional posters around our school of how to look after our local area. This will also be a great opportunity to explore signs of autumn.

The children will be going on a short walk around Old Swan on Monday 18th November.

If you are willing for your child to take part in this educational walk please could you complete the form below and pass it back to the year 1 team ASAP.

Thank you for your continued support,

Year 1

Old Swan Local Walk letter
