1st May 2020

A letter to Year 4, from Mrs Swift.

Hi everyone! I hope you are all keeping well. I am missing you all and hoping that you are all keeping yourself busy and enjoying lots of family time. I was actually talking about you to my little boy yesterday. We started to read Journey to Johannesburg, as he saw it on the shelf and fancied a read. Did anyone finish the story, after we did the first few chapters during our comprehension lessons? I know you all loved the story when we were reading it. I was happy to be reminded of how it ended and I know you will all enjoy it too.

Reading is one of our favourite pass times at the moment. Audio books too! They are great for when you fancy listening to a story and just want to let your mind wonder, picturing all of the characters. Do you remember we had a chat about this, how sometimes the films are just not as good as the books, because they aren’t the images you perceived? Well we’ve also just finished the first Harry Potter book and watched the film. Quite a few of the characters were different to what I imagined them to be, when we watched the film. The film is still amazing though 🙂

I would love to hear any book recommendations you have. My favourite genres are mystery and historical based texts, so give me a shout if you think of any good ones I can try 🙂

So until we chat again, keep safe and enjoy your extra family time. I would say make sure you wear your suncream when in the garden (because you know how easily I burn!!), but the nice weather seems to have done a runner at the moment. Hopefully the sun will be back soon.

Love Mrs Swift 🙂
