11th June 2020

This is a message from Councillor Barbara Murray: Cabinet Member – Education, Employment and Skills:

Good morning,

I hope you and your families are all keeping well.

You may have noticed that we have started a campaign to improve parental behaviour at school gates on the return to school. We are using COVID-19 social distancing requirements to try and establish behaviour change at the school gates. Ideally we want to stop all cars parking or dropping off within a given radius dependent on the particular school and we want children to start walking approximately 200 meters to school which could be the last leg of the journey.

Obviously we will be developing our guidance as we monitor the situation.

Additional resources:

Download: Parents Back to School Guide [PDF]

Video: https://vimeo.com/425116815/ffc36b0e28
Video: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=246680076428591

Stay safe and well.

Kind regards,

Councillor Barbara Murray
Cabinet Member – Education, Employment and Skills
