As we come back to school after the pandemic, there are certain changes that have been put in place to keep all our community safe. Please read with your child and sign to agree to help keep St Oswald’s Covid free.
Your child may find school very different but we will welcome them back and they will be put at ease as best we can, we need to work together to get through these times.
School | Parent | Child |
The school will do its best to:
• Provide an environment which has been risk assessed in response to the COVID-19 infection • Adhere to the social distancing rules as set out by the government and LA as much as we reasonably can • Provide a curriculum that meets the needs of your child’s well-being and mental health eventually returning to concentrating on their and academic needs • Contact parents/carers if your child displays • Inform you if staff or children in your child’s show symptoms of COVID-19 as this will mean if test is positive you will all need to self-isolate for at least 14 days • Continue our clear and consistent approach to the Behaviour rewards and sanctions for children as set out in the Policy Addendum as well as the expectations outlined in this agreement • Communicate with families through Weduc, website and Twitter. |
To help my child in school, I/We will:
• Discuss with my child the expectations of school behaviour and encourage child/ren to follow the rules • Understand that if my child is unable or unwilling to follow the social distancing rules they may not be allowed to return to school until a full risk assessment has been carried out. • Understand that school has a risk assessment capacity number for each room and I may be asked to rota my child’s attendance • I will need to remind my child to follow social distancing rules but accept these may be difficult to enforce and that my child may not always do this successfully • On my commute, and when dropping my child off and picking them up, I will adhere to the 2 metre social distancing rules. • When dropping off or picking up I will stick to the agreed time and location • My child is not allowed to bring items in from home or take items home from school to avoid cross contamination. • I will encourage and teach good hygiene • My child will wear clean clothes daily • Packed lunches should be in disposable plastic bags • If my child, or anyone in my household, shows Covid -19 symptoms, I will not send them to school, we will self-isolate for 14 days as a family, I will get them tested and I will let the school know as soon as possible via telephone • If my child, or another child in the group, shows symptoms of COVID-19 at school, I will collect my child from school immediately when requested • I will inform the school immediately of any changes to parents/carer and emergency contacts details. • I understand I will not be allowed into the school building without an invitation. Discussions will take place via phone or email. • I need to support all staff in their efforts to create an ‘as safe as possible’ environment during this crisis • I will read all letters/messages/ that are sent home • I will always remain respectful and polite when talking to school staff |
I will do my best to:
• Listen to my grown-ups and follow their instructions • Behave well at all times to help keep everyone safe. • Wash my hands when I come into school and regularly throughout the day. • Try to follow basic hygiene when sneezing or coughing. Catch it-Kill it- Bin it. • Not bring things in from home or take things home from school. No toys, books, pencil cases or bags into school. • Stay in my class ‘bubble’ and not mix with other groups of children. • Only play games that follow the social distancing rules – you cannot play contact games • Do not share equipment or food. • Stay in the desk or area my teacher tells me to. • Do not walk around the room without permission • Tell a grown up if you feel unwell or worried • Try and be happy and know that all the rules are to keep you safe • Understand that if I cannot follow the rules I may not be allowed into school until I can. |
Download: Covid Home School Agreement Letter [PDF]