19th June 2020

Dear Year 6 children,

Normally at this time of year, we would be busy organising lots of fun events and experiences for you, to make the end of your school year a special one. As we cannot officially celebrate you leaving St. Oswald’s, we are going to put together a video of memories, for you to treasure. We need your help to compile a range of memories, pictures and written mementos to make the video as special as possible.

We would love any offerings of photographs of you now; during lockdown, or lower down the school, video messages of any memories you have (no longer than 15 seconds) and writing or pictures you think would look nice within the video (poetry, messages of thanks, memories and prayers). The more the better!

If you have access to the internet, send them to our year 6 school email address, making sure to label with your name and class.


If you have paper copies, we would be grateful if you could hand them into the school office or during your time in your year 6 bubbles.

The closing date for all entries is Friday 26th June 2020. We want everyone to be on it in some way and we know it will be an amazing video to look back on.

We look forward to seeing all of your wonderful memories.

Many thanks

Year 6 Teachers

Download: Dear Year 6 Children [PDF]
