19th June 2020

RE: Year 6 returning Monday 22nd June

Dear Parents/Carers & Y6,

Finally, we have all the information we need to make sure that there is a smooth return to school on Monday. Everyone is really looking forward to catching up with all the new learning and experiences you have had with your families during lockdown.

You have all been told the bubble you are in and where that bubble is going to be taught, also the start and pick up times. Please stick to these times and locations to avoid unnecessary crowding.  If adults are accompanying children to and from school it should only be one adult, remembering only children will be allowed on the premises. Children should bring coats, water bottle, any inhalers and a disposable packed lunch if you are providing your own.

As soon as you arrive at your entrance you will be greeted by school staff,  parents/carers will be asked to sign to say that you agree with the Home/School agreement, children will be asked to sign to say you will keep to the Code of Conduct as much as possible.

Once in school you will be encouraged to wash hands or use hand gel, again this will help us all to stay well and reduce any potential virus spreading. The building will look very different with taped flooring for social distancing and spread out desks. Don’t worry, the teachers will spend some time explaining how school will work and what you can and can’t do. It’s a bit like the changes to the supermarket and we all got used to those quickly.

A reminder that school uniform is not expected, comfortable easy to clean clothes are best but no jewellery please.

I would also ask that no one asks to change bubbles, we have spent a long time working with all the year 6 adults to make sure that everyone is with one friend at least. It is impossible to have all the friends together, but we are living in very difficult times and we have to follow the guidance. We are not allowed to change children in bubbles or staff moving from bubble to bubble, once you come back, that is the arrangement until the end of term. Your adults will make sure every bubble has a good time in school.

Finally, I hope that you are all looking forward to joining our school family again so that you will be able to spend at least a few weeks being together, although socially distanced.

See you Monday,

Mrs Walsh

Download: Y6 Final Reminder Returning Letter [PDF]
