14th July 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,


Please see below information from CEOP Education team:



Children love to socialise and as they get older, they will want to stay in touch with their friends online.

This week your final activity pack for parents and carers to deliver to their children explores how they can stay safe while connecting with others on social media apps and platforms: 

We are also asking parents and carers to share their feedback on the activity packs via a survey on the pages linked to above.

Download Welsh language versions of our activity packs from Welsh Government’s Hwb.

#OnlineSafetyAtHome is changing

Social media: a video guide for parents and carers

Our new video guide and accompanying article helps parents and carers to understand:

  • The risks of using social media
  • What they need to consider when deciding if their child is ready to use it
  • How they can make social media safer for their child
Kind regards,
Miss Gilmour
