Dear Year 6,
It is with sadness and disappointment that I write to say goodbye! After such a great school journey, to finish with no mass, no leavers’ assembly, no celebrations or even goodbye hugs seems so unfair.
This year has been unprecedented, never before have we had to face a health emergency that has affected all of the world. We must concentrate on the positives that we can find, and strangely there are many. Never before has the sense of community been so strong, we have pulled together to look after each other, we have clapped for key workers and appreciated people more than we ever acknowledged before. We have looked after the vulnerable in society, our old and infirm. We stayed home and got to know our families better, we made more of an effort to keep in touch through technology and we learnt to appreciate the simple things in life.
There were no final closures, no SATs tests and no transition visits to your secondary schools. That will not matter, the whole of the UK are in the same situation, your schools will know all about you, what you are good at and what they might need to help you with. Your teachers have talked to your new schools, we have given teacher assessments on your grades ( who knows what you can do better than your teachers). All the children arriving in Y7 will be in the same situation as you, so it is a level playing field, so you should not worry.
All the staff in school who have played any part in your school journey are so proud of you, The exams for your year group did not happen, but they would have only given one piece of information about you. They do not tell how special and unique each one of you are. They do not mention how you can sing, dance, laugh, make your friends happy, that you are fantastic sons and daughters. They would not say that you are trustworthy and thoughtful and that you are kind. No matter what your test results might have been, or what your teacher assessment is, show those other qualities that make you you, and the important ones that make each one of your families’ proud.
We in school are proud of the young people you have become, we know that you are ready for secondary school, that you may be a bit nervous but trust me you are ready!!
Remember life is a journey but you are not always sure where to go but you are not alone you have your amazing families, your friends and you have all the love and support that St Oswald’s sends you away with. Remember you are fantastic, remember to be kind and respectful and always remember what you have been taught and where you started. Also, believe in yourselves, and if you need help ask, it is a sign of strength, it is the only way we find out things.
Finally, I want to send you off with my blessing and to remind you that where ever you go, God is with you and will help you make the right choices if you allow him to.
With all best wishes,
Mrs Walsh
Head Teacher
Download: Letter to Y6 [PDF]