17th November 2020

In Year 6, we have worked through the term looking at writing autobiographies and biographies and working on grammar to help our writing skills.

Last week looked at Y5/6 Common Exception Words

In Maths we have looked at aspects of number – place value, addition and subtraction as well as Long multiplication and Division. Working on our fluency and reasoning skills.

In our foundation subjects we have allocated days to study:

• Geography- where we learned about life in the Amazon rainforest
• Art – we studied the artist – Gaudi, who primarily spent most of his working life producing sculpture and architecture for the city of Barcelona.
• History – we have studied Aztec civilisation and produced Aztec calendars which captured the children’s enthusiasm.

We now look forward to the forthcoming season of Advent and the greatest gift – our Lord at the Nativity to conclude our Autumn term.
