[Year 4] First Holy Communions 2017

Enterprise Club Raise Money for Sightbox UK

Our Enterprise Club were given the task of creating a business idea with the intention of raising money for charity. First of all we had a meeting as a group to decide what venture we would like to do and if it would be cost effective. We had a few great ideas such as decorative baskets, soap and bookmarks but finally we decided to make bath bombs. We costed all the ingredients from lots of different places and once we found a total price we asked the St Oswald’s business manager Mr Strom for a business loan to cover the initial outlay. We made many different types of bath bombs including colour-changing lavender, zingy orange, frozen sparkles, rose petal delight, grapefruit sparkle and many more. They were a huge success! We sold out each playtime and had to keep making more to meet demand. We made bath bombs until we ran out of materials, all were sold immediately. Mr Strom then informed us that St Oswald’s would waiver the amount we borrowed from the school.

Therefore we are delighted to announce that St Oswald’s Enterprise Club has raised £206.00 for the charity Sightbox UK.

School Council – Planting Trees for the Community

[School Council] Juvenile Diabetes

Throughout the spring term, we have been fundraising for Juvenile diabetes. As a school council, we came together to discuss what we would like to do in order to do this. We met with Scarlet in 6KN to discuss type 1 diabetes and how we could help. We decided to hold a competition involving how much sugar was in a jar of sweets. Children would be able to estimate the amount of sugar in the jar. The closest guess would win the jar of sweets for their class, as well as an additional prize; a £25 gift card for Liverpool One for the junior winner and a giant teddy for the infant winner. In addition to this, we decided to hold a ‘Dance for Diabetes’ event. Mrs Hindley also kindly donated an Everton football shirt, signed by the first team. We decided we would sell raffle tickets for this. After weeks of hard work by School councillors, particularly Olivia and Harry from 5RD and Dominika and Mia from 4DH, we raised £261 for the Juvenile Diabetes charity. We would like to thank everyone that participated in all these events and donated to this very worthy cause. We would also like to congratulate the winners of our fantastic prizes!

Estimate the sweets in the jar (Infants): Freya 1LM

Estimate the sugar in the jar (Juniors): Sharon 4DH

Signed Everton shirt: Teagan 4HI



School council are always working hard at making St. Oswald’s School an enjoyable, safe place to learn, and we look forward to our projects to come.

[Year 6] NSPCC Number Day 2017

A big thank you to all the children, parents and carers who helped make the NSPCC Number Day such a success. All the children looked fabulous with their number themed outfits and we managed to raise a wonderful £443.79 for the NSPCC Charity.

The children had a great day designing and making their very own board games and carrying out interesting investigations such as:

  • how many blades of grass are there in St. Oswald’s field?
  • are taller children, faster runners?
  • length of your elbow to your wrist is the same as the length of your foot? is this always sometimes or never true?

Lots of fun maths took place during the day, whilst raising money for an important cause.

Thank you!