[3AB] Clock Faces

[Year 3] Making Bread

[Year 3] Bread Tasting

Parent and Child Reading Club – Every Friday 8:30am

Year 3 Are Feeling Good About 2018!

In our first week back, we have dived into many interesting new topics. In Literacy, we have written a set of instructions to teach an alien to make a jam sandwich! We are enjoying continuing with our fractions topic in Maths and are beginning to look at forces and magnets in Science.

Our first swimming lesson at the swimming baths was fantastic – we all tried hard to push ourselves to swim new distances.

We are already learning a new Spanish song in our songs and games Spanish topic and we are looking forward to learning about natural disasters in Geography. Soon we will be making our own volcano and watch it erupt on the playground!

Stay tuned to find out about the rest of our exciting journey in Year 3.

[3FL] Clock Faces

[Year 3] Liverpool Half-Term Project

This half term, we asked the children in year 3 to complete a project linking with our history topic of Liverpool.

Children were asked to research a topic about our city and present this either as a fact file, a model, a PPT or whichever medium they wished to create. It could be about a famous person in Liverpool, a building, a club or an interesting event that takes place.

The response was fantastic, with many children (and their adults) rising to the challenge!

We have celebrated our pupils’ skills and hard work in our celebration assembly, where they had the chance to present their projects to the rest of school and now we would like to share them with you.

Here are some of the fantastic entries that we had…

Download: Millie M – Liverpool Presentation (PDF)

[Year 3] Keeping Safe with NSPCC

[Year 3] Gymnastics

[Year 3] Problem Solving