Guide to Mental Health in the Workplace

I work with SoCal Empowered and we’re dedicated to raising awareness on mental health and supporting those who may be struggling. We’ve created an ultimate guide to mental health in the workplace which discusses how mental health affects businesses and employees and what employees and employers can do to support mental health, which you can see here:

COVID-19 – Liverpool CAMHS Support

The Liverpool CAMHS Partnership is adapting as Coronavirus impacts our everyday lives. Our partners are working hard to ensure children, young people and families get the support they need during this time. This document outlines the support available from each partner and how this support can be accessed.

COVID-19 Liverpool CAMHS Support


The support outlined will be continually reviewed to manage demand and resources to deliver.

Please click here for regular updates.


Download: COVID-19 Liverpool CAMHS Support (PDF)

COVID-19 Update (23/03/2020)

If you intend to access the services of the Hub from tomorrow (Tuesday 24th), please make your way to the Infant building as the Junior building will not be open.

The services of The Hub will be available to the children of Key Workers or who are vulnerable, but only if no alternative arrangements can be made for childcare.

The Hub is not an educational setting or school, so children who do not attend will not be missing any lessons. If they are safer staying at home or with family, then please use those alternatives.

The Hub will run from the Infant building for the duration of the time that the services are required by government.

Download: Child Care Hub (St Oswalds) – Child Registration Form (PDF)

Please read the rest of the information on this page, check back here for updates
and follow us on Twitter @StOswaldsPriLiv

COVID-19 Update (22/03/2020)

The Hub at St Oswalds will be open Monday 23rd March from 9am to 4pm prompt.

If you plan on attending our Hub, could you please download, print & complete the following registration form.  It will save you time when you first arrive.

Please complete one form per child, even if you child usually attends St Oswalds.

Download: Child Care Hub (St Oswalds) – Child Registration Form (PDF)

Please read the rest of the information on this page, check back here for updates
and follow us on Twitter @StOswaldsPriLiv

COVID-19 Update (21/03/2020)

Key points are below, but please download the full letter here:
Emergency Key Workers Hub – Update 21/03/2020 (PDF)


School is now closed and will not reopen until further notice. 
Our buildings have been identified as a Child Care Hub for emergency childcare for front line key workers. 
The Hub will not operate as a school, it is not about learning it is essential child care.


ONLY those children whose parents have no other option should access the hub.
Please check the criteria carefully to ensure that you qualify as a key worker.
If you have an adult at home even if you are a key worker your child must stay at home.



There are 50 HUBS across the City, you can use the one which is best for you:


The Hub will be open Monday 23rd March from 9am to 4pm prompt.

If you are planning to bring your child/ren to us please understand and be prepared for the following:

When you arrive at The Hub for the first time you will be required to complete a registration form which includes contact details, emergency contacts, medical info, allergies, dietary info, SEND needs etc. If your child currently attends St Oswald’s you will still be required to complete a form.

Your child needs to come in their own clothes with suitable coats to go outside.

Children are not permitted to bring any electronic equipment or mobile phones.

On Monday 23rd all children who attend will get a free hot meal.
Following this parents can pay for a hot lunch; information to follow from the Hub.

Your child will be in a childcare environment, they will be playing games, doing craft activities, being outside etc. This is not an educational environment.

Your child needs to follow and respond to the Hub’s behaviour guidance; as it would be in the school they are currently enrolled in. The setting has the right to refuse entry to any child who does not follow the expectations of the Hub.

Parents will be asked to wait in designated collection areas when dropping off and collecting from the Hub to ensure the health of the staff.

Any child who is unwell will be sent home as quickly as possible.


We will be receiving an update from the Local Authority on a daily basis in response to local and national guidance.

This will be updated on our website


I am not anticipating problems but please be aware that we will not accept any unacceptable behaviour from any Parents or Carers. This is a national crisis and we have been requested to respond to this; remember we are all in this together!

Thanking you in anticipation

Yours sincerely
Mrs M Walsh


Online Resources

Government advice on closure of educational setting guidance for parents

You can follow Liverpool’s response to the Coronvirus on Twitter and Facebook

Liverpool City Council website updates

Support for families who are entitled to free school meals

If you feel unwell you are encouraged you use the following NHS 111 Website rather than ringing 111 straight away – COVID-19 Information for the Public

COVID-19 Update (19/03/2020)

We understand that you will all be concerned following the PM statement about the closure of educational settings.

We do know that school will close on Friday 20/03/2020

At this moment we do not have any more information about any Key Workers children and what arrangements will be in place for them. We are waiting for the government to publish more information on what this means and will let you know as promptly as possible. For now we are preparing resources so you can continue educating your children at home during this enforced closure.

Thank you for all your support and understanding at this worrying time. We are all in this together and will come out the other side.

Thank you
Mrs Walsh

COVID-19 Update (17/03/2020)

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we are living in very challenging circumstances, please expect changes to the normal running of school, maybe at short notice. We have staff who are unwell or self isolating and as anticipated, lots of absent children. To ensure that we can provide adults in front of classes we may have to put classes together or rearrange staff to take classes they do not normally cover. Some children may find these changes distressing but without these continuity measures we would not be able to remain open.

We are working hard to make sure children are informed in a child friendly way and that we keep as calm as possible.

Below is a message from Steve Reddy, Director of Children and Young People’s Services.

Dear children, young people, parents/carers and families,

Following my letter yesterday the government has now announced a number of additional measures.

 It is important that we all continue to follow the guidance set out by the Government and DfE and make the necessary changes.

 Whilst schools remain open some planned activities will inevitably be cancelled. Schools may well restrict all but essential visitors on to the site.

 We will be speaking to Public Health England to consider the implications for children and staff with significant health needs.

 Anyone who has high temperature/fever and/or new persistant cough will be required to self-isolate at home for 14 days along with anyone in their household.

We are very grateful for the continued support of all school staff, children, young people and families as we manage these difficult times.

It is important that we continue to work together and support one another.

Thank you for your understanding at this uncertain time.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh


Corona 17-03