Weekly Awards – Juniors

Junior Weekly Awards



Star of the Week


3NT Charlotte    3LY Betsy     3BW   Poppy W

4PM Isla T     4LD Eleen     4RD Freddie

5KN Harvey     5WL Lana      5AB    Sadie

6DN   Jayden P   6JJ Terris   6TL Lilly-Mae



3NT Eliie    3LY Han   3BW Daisy

4PM Thomas W    4LD Mason    4RD Mia D

5KN   Dillon H      5WL Ellie D    5AB Emily C

6DN Mollie S    6JJ Stathis      6TL Dylan S

Weekly Awards

Weekly Awards (Infants)


RJ James  RC Roman   RF Charlie  1MD  Thomas   1HH Mellaher  1AJ Maria   2LM Ava   2HI Amelia C   2SG Mercy

Star of the Week

RJ Lewis RC Jensen  RF Ivy   1MD  Isla   1HH Amber  1AJ Zack 2LM Isla  2HI Lucas 2SG Evan


RJ Ellie-Mae  RC Rocco  RF Archie A  1MD  Nicole C   1HH Laila   1AJ Tyler  2LM Freddie  2HI Ellis  2SG Summer


RJ Jorge    RC Aleah   RF Jewel  1MD Louie  1HH Paul   1AJ Archie S  2LM Ernie  2HI Ethan  2SG Lacey


Jensen RC, Sienna 1MD, Scarlett 1AJ Bella 1AJ, Aleksander 1AJ, Dougie 1HH,

Roco 2SG, Ellie 2HI, Bobby 2SG


Sophie 1MD, Ella C 1AJ, Esay 1HH,  Daniel 2HI, Ahmed 2HI, Amelia C 2HI, Isla 2LM

Weekly Awards 2020

Safety & Respect letter

Dear Parents & Carers,

I am writing with a genuine plea for your support and cooperation.

I have received complaints, with genuine concerns, about the behaviour of some children and adults when picking up and dropping off children on Montague Road. The residents feel that their properties are being totally disrespected with people leaning on their walls, swinging on their gates and crowds gathering around their homes with no face coverings. Sadly, I have seen some of this poor behaviour myself and have to agree that there have been issues.

I am able to address children’s behaviour directly with them in school, every class has been reminded that when they are wearing our uniform they are representing our school and can be made accountable for behaviour, even when they are outside school. All classes have a separate arrival and pick up time so there should not be children arriving around Montague or Mill lane earlier than their allocated time. This is an important part of our covid safe guidelines, along with keeping separate from anyone who isn’t in their bubble.

Adults picking up or dropping off should be wearing face coverings around school and I ask when possible if adults can stand on the school side of the road away from the private properties. Families should not be driving down Montague Road, this is highly dangerous with the current situation and I ask that you park further away from school or walk. There has also been issues with parents parking in Aldi car park for convenience of dropping in the infants, but please only use allocated parking bays. The zig zag zones mean that no car can park, I ask that this is adhered to for the safety of our children.

Respect is an important quality that we encourage daily with the children, I ask can the adults most important to the children model this positive respectful behaviour and encourage consideration for the residents and their homes.

Community is very important to our school and I would like our neighbours to feel that we value them. Consideration of their feelings would be a positive start to compensating them for their inconvenience.

Thanking you in anticipation

Mrs Walsh

Head teacher

Safety respect


Comics Youth Stay Safe Club 2.0 Press Release

Liverpool based youth organisation Comics Youth are excited to announce the re-launch of their popular Stay Safe Club initiative – a project designed to help support young people aged 8 – 25 through the intense challenges of living in lockdown during the global Covid-19 pandemic.

See attached Comics Youth Stay Safe Club 2.0 Press Release

Advent Dates & Information letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

This week begins the season of Advent and the important getting ready to welcome baby Jesus. Though school is very different this year, we are going to make this season as special as we always do, but there are some inevitable differences.

Sadly, we will not be having any families into school or church to help us celebrate as a community. We will do our very best to make sure that we share photos, Tweets, etc. of the children so that you still feel part of their school celebrations. There are lots of events planned, so I am setting out when things are happening in school, so you can prepare the children at home.

Monday 30th November starts off our celebrations with a recording by Father Liam blessing the Advent wreath. Each child will have been asked to think about a way they can prepare for the birth of Jesus by doing something positive or kind for someone else.

Advent is also the season of Posada; this year the children will bring a picture of the travelling crib home with suggestions of prayers and readings for the whole family to share together.

During Advent, the children will be collecting money in each class for CAFOD gifts. On the last week of term, the classes count up their money and together, using the CAFOD site, choose the gifts for others in the world less well-off than they are. This is always a really lovely thing to do and the children always give generously of their own pocket money.

This year our classes will be having their Nativity celebrations as class or year groups to comply with our bubbles. The younger children will still be invited to have parts and dress up as they traditionally do. The older children will have collective worships where they will reflect on the Christmas story and the impact on the world.

The dates for each groups are:

Nursery.  8th December am and pm – Role Play Nativity in costumes as part of RE.

Reception.  9th December am and pm & 10th December am – 3 classes, 2 songs each and perform to other Reception classes.

Year 1.  14th December – Children dress in traditional costumes for their Nativity

Year 2.  10th December – tableaux Nativity in costumes, performing carols with Makaton signing.

 Year 3.  15th December – Mini Nativity as distanced year group

 Year 4.  10th December – Collective Worship – What is the true message of Christmas this year?

Year 5.  14th December – Collective Worship with Holy Night

 Year 6.  15th December Collective Worship

 In addition, we also have other events for you to note the dates.

December 11th is Christmas Jumper Day with a Santa Dash. The children will be asked to bring in £1.00 to take part. In the afternoon, there will be Christmas parties. The PTA will provide the food and drink for these.

On 15th December, year 4 & 5 will be attending a closed school mass in church at 11.15am. Father Liam has kindly agreed to allow the children who will be taking part in sacramental events next year to gather in church. With strict distancing rules in church, it is not possible to invite anyone else to attend.

On 16th December, our kitchens will be cooking the annual Christmas dinner – always a good day!! There will be an invitation to children who do not usually take a school lunch to join us that day. Further details will be sent out soon.

This year, with restrictions on sharing things from home, we felt that if the children did want to bring in Christmas cards each class can have a box in class where they will be quarantined and will be exchanged on one day all together. This year it might be a good idea to discuss with the children not sending cards, but donating the money that might have been spent on cards to CAFOD.

Finally, school will finish on 18th December at lunchtimes. Nursery’s last day is 17th December.

Apologies for the length of the letter, but there are a lot of dates and details to share. As always, please check our school website and Weduc for updates.

I would like to thank you all, parents, pupils and friends of St Oswald’s, for your continued support and to wish you and your loved ones a healthy and happy Advent period.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh

Head Teacher

Advent Dates and Information 2020


Blended Learning letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding this term as we have worked together to navigate the new ‘normal’. It has not been without its challenges, but in true St Oswald’s style, our children continue to be a credit to you, us and themselves.

Unfortunately this term, we have had some of our bubbles burst which has meant that it has been necessary for staff and children to isolate. Therefore, children have needed to complete their lessons remotely.

Though we fully recognise how difficult it is to supervise young children working from home, this work is not optional, but an essential element of blended learning to ensure that our children do not fall behind their peers and continue to make progress in these challenging times.

Blended learning can be done online or via a paper pack which can be collected from school. It mirrors as closely as possible to what the children would be doing if they were in their classroom.

Moving forward, if your child’s bubble does burst, we would appreciate your support ensuring that your child completes all work set by their class teacher.

If you have any problems, or need our support in anyway, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Thank you in advance for your continued cooperation and understanding.

Miss Hay

Deputy Headteacher

Blended Learning letter

Weekly Awards


Weekly Awards (Infants)


RJ Maia RC Sofia D  RF Archie  A  2LM Caisey   2HI Penny   2SG Maddison

Star of the Week

RJ Eliana RC Joseph B  RF Tilly   1MD  Charlie M   1HH Ewan  1AJ Annie  2LM Evie B  2HI Ava  2SG Pearl


RJ Cara  RC Bethany RF Jacob  1MD  Jessica J   1HH Harry   1AJ Amelia  2LM Chloe E  2HI Amelia  2SG Rocco


RJ Stevie    RC Pheonix   RF Cynthia 1MD Oscar   1HH Ewan   1AJ Alfie W  2LM Clayton  2HI Sienna  2SG Willow


Scarlett  RC          Bella  1AJ           Amelia    2SG



Weekly Awards

Junior Weekly Awards

20th November 2020

Star of the Week

 3NT Arthur   3LY Ella S     3BW Ava

4PM Lily W      4LD   Vanessa    4RD Kacper

5KN   Molly M   5WL   Aiden

6DN Aaron M     6JJ   Archie C   6TL   Dominic M


 3NT Jenson     3LY Max   3BW   Nicole

4PM  Charlie W    4LD Leon      4RD  Isabel W

5KN  Lucy L      5WL  Thomas D

6DN   Thomas A    6JJ  Ethan H     6TL  Princeton B

Birthdays  –  Thomas A    Leann A

Synod 2020 letter

Dear Parents,

As you know Archbishop Malcolm declared that our Archdiocese should hold a Synod in 2020 to enable us to become the Church that God is calling us to be.  Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the timetable for this had to be changed.  This is the new timetable:

  • By the end of November, we have been asked to look at the summary list of proposals and let our Synod Members know which you feel are the most important.
  • In March 2021, the proposals to be voted on will be published.
  • Between March and June 2021, Synod members will arrange local reflection and discernment to help inform their vote.
  • The Synod will take place on 16th, 17th and 18th June 2021
  • The Pastoral Plan will be published on 1st Sunday of Advent (28th November) 2021

More information can be found at synod2020.co.uk

We are writing to you today to invite you to read the summary proposals and decide which 5 you feel are important and you are drawn to and which 2 affirmations you are particularly drawn to.

The proposals can be found by following this link:


Please submit the 5 proposals and 2 affirmations that you are most drawn to to your Parish or Pastoral Area Synod Member.  (A list can be found on the Synod website, but if you can’t find details of your representative, please email your response to synod2020@rcaol.co.uk). This will really help inform the discernment of the final Synod Proposals.  Please use the number of the proposal e.g. 1.23, 4.12 etc. and the title of the affirmation e.g. Liturgy, Mission etc.

Thank you very much for your support,


Synod 2020 Letter

Full summary proposals