Nursery Nativity Performance

Dear Parents,

As the festive period approaches we are beginning to make plans for our Christmas Nativity in nursery.

This year all of our nursery children will be performing their nativity on Friday 13th December at 10:30am in the nursery.

On this day all children that would usually attend nursery in the afternoons will be asked to come in the morning time instead and the nursery will be closed in the afternoon.

The morning session starts at 8:30 and finishes at 11:30.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson


INFANT Afterschool Club Letter

Dear parents and carers,

On the letter attached below is a full list of activities on offer for Autumn term, and the year group who can access each activity.

If your child is interested in attending any of these clubs, please fill in the attached slip and return to school by Thursday 7th November (morning) as places are limited and will be offered on a first come basis, in the interest of fairness the children are asked to pick a first and second choice.

Places for clubs are limited if your child is allocated a place in an after school club you will be notified (by letter) by the teacher running the club.

May I respectfully remind parents that all clubs finish at 4pm and children must be picked up by a responsible adult.

Your sincerely,

Miss C Sime
Deputy Head Teacher

Download: INFANT After School Club Letter [PDF]

Poppy Appeal

Dear Parents and Carers,

Poppies are now on sale in school – Suggested donation – 20p

We also have additional items for sale in limited numbers:

Ruler £1
Pencil Sharpener 50p
Rubbers 50p
Reflectors 50p
Pencils 50p
Zip pull 50p
Silicon wristbands £1
Snap band £1.50

In KS2, prefects will be selling the poppies and additional items from Wednesday 6th November during school time.

In EYFS and KS1, monitors will be selling poppies from Wednesday 6th November during school time and school staff will be selling the additional items at home time from each year group pick up area.

All donations will be going to The British Legion.

Children will be responsible for their own money and purchases during the school day.

Thank you for your continual support.

Mrs McBrien
Assistant Headteacher

Nursery Mouse Club Dates

We would love you to join us in nursery with your child and their mouse for these fun stay and play sessions.

Mornings: 10:30-11:30am
Afternoons: 2:15-3:15pm

Monday 11th November
Monday 2nd December
Monday 13th January
Monday 10th February
Monday 2nd March
Monday 6th April

Summer term dates will be confirmed later in the year.

Download: Mouse stay and play dates [PDF]

School Photographs Letter

Dear Parents,

School Photographer in School on Friday 8th November

The school photographer will be coming into school to take photographs of families across Junior and Infant school including Nursery on Friday 8th November. If you would like a family photograph, please complete and return the pro-forma (on the attached PDF below) and return it no later than Tuesday 5th November.

Please make your children aware of this and note that family photographs are siblings only. Individual photographs will also be taken on this day of all children.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Sime
Deputy Head Teacher

Download: Whole school photo [PDF]

Levy 2019-20 Letter

Dear Parents/Guardian,

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School to which you have chosen to send your child is a Catholic Voluntary Aided school. Voluntary aided status provides distinct freedoms and flexibilities in the way that schools operate but, in return for the privilege of having and controlling such a school, there is a need to make a contribution to some costs, including those associated with capital investment.

Government provides the money annually for staff salaries, books and equipment for all schools. Catholic school buildings are constructed and repaired predominantly through Government grants but are owned by the Trustees of the Archdiocese of Liverpool. Under current legislation voluntary aided schools have to find 10% of the costs of all capital works i.e. investment in the building fabric over a value of £2,000. In order to help meet these costs the Archdiocese operates a school building fund to help meet the 10% costs of major projects and all of the investment funded through the Archdiocese’s annual capital programme.

Parishes and schools contribute equally to the building fund and the school share provides the opportunity for parents of children who benefit from the facilities to contribute on a voluntary basis.

The school share is based upon an annual amount calculated at £10.00 per child (or family where there is more than one child attending the same school) and, whilst the decision regarding the raising of this levy is a local one, the majority of schools invite a voluntary contribution from parents on this basis. Parents are reminded that there is no legal obligation to make any contribution and pupils at any of our schools will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have done so.

The levy continues to play a crucial role to maximise the continued investment in our school buildings and, in recent years, has helped to facilitate over £300 million of investment in Catholic schools across the Archdiocese through various funding streams and initiatives. The current Archdiocese capital programme is available on our website so that it is clear as to which schools have received capital funding in the most recent capital programme. St Oswald’s is one of the schools who have benefitted from a building programme.

If you are able to contribute you will be following generations who have raised money to help to provide and maintain the schools which now exist and from which your family will continue to benefit. Your continued support is greatly appreciated on behalf of our family of schools.

We have recently received a letter from the Archdiocese asking for our first instalment, and to this end I am asking for your full support in returning the Levy in the envelopes provided, as soon as possible. Please also tick the gift aid box if applicable, as this will give us a further contribution of £2.80 at no additional cost to you. If you feel you cannot afford to submit the full cost at this moment, please send in half now and the second half later in the year.

We thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Walsh
Head Teacher

Download: Levy 2019-20 Letter [PDF]

Enterprise Fair Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week, all year groups have been taking part in our St. Oswald’s Enterprise Challenge Week. Each year group was given a budget to design and make a product to sell in our Enterprise Fair. All classes have been working hard designing company logos, carrying out market research, costing, advertising, designing and making and now have some fabulous products to sell. All monies will be going to each year group’s chosen charity. All products have been made by the children (with some adult support).

Nursery Bags of Playdough ZOE’S PLACE £1.00
Reception Bath Bombs CMV ACTION £1.00 – £2.00
Y1 Reusable Bags SEPSIS TRUST £3.00
Y2 Recycled Coasters and Photo Keyrings SAVE THE BEES £1.00 – £2.00
Y3 Wax Melts and Tubs of Slime JOSEPH LAPPIN CENTRE Slime – £1.00
Wax Melts – £3.00
Y6 Bath Bombs THE BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION £1.00 – £2.00

As mentioned in our previous letter, we would like to invite you to our Enterprise Fair, where you will have the opportunity to purchase the products and help raise money for these important charities. Please note the slight change of time.

The fair will take place on Monday 21st October in St. Oswald’s Infant School hall from 2:30pm – 4:00pm. A small group of children from each year group will be there selling the products. Please be aware that if you come before home time, your child may not be present at this event.

The children have really enjoyed the week and have worked extremely hard to design and make their products. All year groups are hoping they can make a profit for their chosen charity, so please do come along and support the event. We would love to raise as much money as we can.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you for your continual support.

Mrs. McBrien
Assistant Headteacher

Download: Enterprise Fair letter [PDF]

Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) Letter

Dear Parent / Guardian,

We are fortunate to deliver the Massage in Schools Programme in our school. The programme is well established and is used in schools throughout the country.

What is Massage in Schools?

It is an inclusive programme of positive touch and clothed peer massage for children of 4-12 years. Children wear their normal school clothes and give massage to each other on the back, head and arms. A trained instructor / teacher will teach the children and their teacher.

How will it benefit the children?

Studies have shown that, when children give massage to each other, they become calmer, concentrate better and have more confidence. This will be of tremendous benefit to the children and their teachers. It will support our Personal, Social and Health Education curriculum (and work in Healthy Schools (Emotional wellbeing) and Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL)). It will address such issues as awareness of self and others and personal safety.

When are where does it take place?

Following the introductory period over the next couple of weeks, the class teacher will decide how and when the programme will be used with their particular class. The ten to fifteen minute session may be at the start of the day or after lunch to help settle the children for the afternoon session.

What can parents do?

You may wish to find out more about the Massage in Schools Programme by viewing and School will be hosting a parent’s peer massage session on Wednesday 20th November 2019 at 9:00am. Parents will be invited in to learn the strokes with their child. Watch out for the sign up letter.

Your child will be in a class taking part in this programme. Please contact the school if you wish to discuss any aspect or have any queries. If your child does not want to give or receive massage they do not have to. It is important for you as parents and carers to know that they have a choice.

If you would not like your child to take part in this programme, please return the slip (found on the attachment below) by Monday 4th November 2019 to your child’s class teacher.

Miss C Sime
Deputy Headteacher

Download: Massage in Schools Programme (MISP) [PDF]

Changes to School Milk

Since September the changes to the milk provision have been bedding in. Can we remind you that the scheme has now changed and you need to register if you want your child to receive milk.

Free milk is provided to pupils who are below the age of 5 years and children who are entitled to free school meals. The school has also decided to subsidise the milk of any 5 year olds in Reception. But pupils in Years 1 to 6 not on the free school meals register must pay for their milk and to do so must sign up to the DairyLink UK service on their website

If you are registering a pupil or pupils who are entitled to free school meals, then you need to inform school that you would like to register for free milk using the slip on the download below. If you think you may be entitled to free school meals (and therefore free milk), but have not yet applied, please contact the One Stop Shop.

Attached below is the letter from DairyLink UK sent before the holidays, with more details on how to register if you need to pay for your milk. PLEASE NOTE THE TERMLY DEADLINES FOR ON LINE ORDERING. We have also been told that in addition to the termly deadlines for the next term, they will also accept orders for after the October half term until 18th October. Please complete the slip below if you would like to register a child on free school meals for free milk and return to school before the end of term.


Mr Strom
Business Manager

Download: School Milk October 2019 [PDF]
Download: Original DairyLink UK Letter [PDF]