Enterprise Week Letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

The week of the 14th October to the 18th October is Enterprise Week in school. During this week, all year groups will be given the task of making products within a given budget, to sell.

On Monday the 21st October, children from each year group will be given the opportunity to sell their products to parents and carers in our St Oswald’s Enterprise Fair, which will take place in the infant building from 2pm until 3:30pm. All monies raised will be going to charity; each year group will be choosing their own charity (further details will be shared about this after the event).

This should be an exciting week for all the children, where they get the opportunity to develop the attitude, knowledge and skills of an entrepreneur. As well as taking part in activities which develop their skills in curriculum areas such as Maths, Literacy, Science, Art, DT and Computing, they will also be developing important life skills such as confidence, leadership skills, teamwork, problem solving, creativity, resilience and a determination to succeed.

We hope that you can support the children and attend our first Enterprise Fair on 21st October. Thank you for your continual support.

Mrs McBrien
Assistant Headteacher

Download: Enterprise Week Letter [PDF]

Nursery Family Photographs Letter

Dear Parents,

Next week in nursery we are learning all about families and the different people we have in our families.

We would be very grateful if you would kindly send in any pictures of your family with a brief description of who they are so we can share these with the children during our learning. Photos can be sent in or emailed to us at nursery@stoswaldsschool.com.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Greer and Mrs Parkinson

Download: Nursery Family Photographs Letter [PDF]

Years 5 & 6 ‘Fun Night’ Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Years 5 & 6 ‘Fun Night’

On Tuesday 15th October 2019 the PTFA will be hosting a ‘Fun Night’ of games, competitions and prizes for years 5 and 6. The event will be full of laughs, teamwork and excitement, definitely not one to miss! The event will take place in the Junior School Hall from 3:15pm – 4:30pm.

Tickets for the event will cost £3 and this includes hot food (pizza/hot dogs), a drink and a doughnut. Children are allowed to wear their own clothes for this event and bring a small amount of money for the tuck shop. Please be aware there will be a limited number of tickets for this event.

Tickets will be on sale Friday 11th October and Monday 14th October at 8:45am – 9:00am in the Junior School Hall.

The PTFA would like to thank in advance any parents/carers who would be available to help out with the ‘Fun Night’.

Please contact Mr Crowther, the school office or any member of the PTFA if you are available to help on the

Thank you for your continued support with PTFA events.

Mr Crowther and the St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: Years 5 & 6 ‘Fun Night’ Letter [PDF]

Parents Yoga Workshop Letter

Dear Parents / Carers,

We would like to give you the opportunity to take part in a Yoga workshop with your children.

There are many benefits to practicing Yoga, it helps to promote confidence and wellbeing as well as improving flexibility, strength and balance. Yoga is currently offered to children as an after school activity & we feel yoga is something families can enjoy together. The workshop will introduce you to yoga and give you the
opportunity to practice some postures.

The session will take place on:

Wednesday 16th October 2019 from 9:00am – 10:00am in Infants Hall.

As always there are limited space for 20 families, places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

Look forward to seeing you then.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Hyland & Miss McKenna
Family Liaison Officers

Download: Parents Yoga Workshop Letter [PDF]

Head Boy and Girl Letter

Dear Parents / Guardians,

We are delighted to have appointed this year’s Head Boy and Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl and Senior Prefects. We consider the roles to be of great importance and want the chosen children to act as ambassadors for our school as well as role models for their peers and our younger pupils. We would also like to thank all children and their parents of whom applied for these roles.

Year 6 children were asked to put themselves forward and have gone through a rigorous selection process involving: Delivering a speech within their year group and to the rest of KS2 and staff. All staff and children then voted for one boy and one girl to fulfil this role.

We would like to congratulate our Head Boy and Head Girl: Michael O’Brien and Erin Dowling, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl: Joseph Moran and Ava Johnson and our Senior Prefects: Jack Roberts and Abi Collins.

During the year they will be called upon to represent and promote our school and will meet and greet important visitors, as well as being involved in a wide range of other important and enjoyable duties such as our fundraising events, assemblies and working closely with the School Council.

We hope that the privilege of being chosen for roles within our Student Leadership team will help to drive their ambitions and make them leaders of the future.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Sime
Deputy Headteacher

Download: Head Boy and Girl Letter [PDF]

Reception Family Photograph Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

The Reception team are looking to create a large display board in the home corner all about our families. To make this display relevant to the children in reception we are requesting as many families as possible help us by sending in one of the following:

1. A family photo (around standard photo size or A5 paper size) in a frame


2. A family photo (around standard photo size or A5 paper size) without a frame


3. E-mail a family picture to the school office charris@stoswaldsschool.com

We appreciate your help with this and a huge thank you in advance to anyone who is able to donate a frame with their photo as we aim to have all photos displayed in frames to create a family photo collage on a large display board.

Thank you for your on-going support with school projects,

The Reception Team

Download: Reception Family Photograph Letter [PDF]

Reception Disco Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

The St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA would firstly like to extend a warm welcome to all children and families in Reception and thank you for such a positive response to our last letter in supporting the PTFA in running school

The PTFA is providing a disco for the Reception children on Thursday 10th October 2019 from 2pm – 3pm. On this day children are invited to wear their own clothes and will receive a snack and drink during the event. The PTFA are kindly requesting a £1 donation for the event. All money made from PTFA is
spent on the children here at St Oswald’s.

Children will finish school at normal time for collection.

Any parents who are able to support the PTFA and teachers for this event are very welcome. Please contact the school office, Mr Crowther or Jo Jones from the PTFA if you are available to help.

We look forward to seeing the children enjoy themselves at this event and thank you for your support in advance.

Mr Crowther
Chair of St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School PTFA

Download: Reception Disco Letter [PDF]