Face Covering letter
22nd September 2020
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 Dear Parents/Carers, Over the past few weeks, we have been asking you all to wear face…More
22nd September 2020
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 Dear Parents/Carers, Over the past few weeks, we have been asking you all to wear face…More
21st September 2020
September 2020 Dear Parents/Guardians Your school is working hard during these difficult times, and asks for social distancing at the…More
19th September 2020
There are spaces available in Nursery for September 2020. Please contact the school office 0151 228 8436 or email office@st-oswalds.liverpool.sch.uk…More
18th September 2020
Behaviour Aleah RC Lewis RJ Emily RF Oscar 1MD Freddy 1HH Austin 1AJ Ava 2HI James 2LM Jayden 2SG Star…More
15th September 2020
New ‘Food Club’ at The Joseph Lappin Centre, Mill Lane L13 5TF (next door to St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School,…More
15th September 2020
LIVERPOOL COLLEGE Important Changes to Year 7 Admission Arrangements for September 2021 Entry No Banding Test Due to the Covid-19…More
14th September 2020
Dear Parents/Carers, If your child is sent home from school with suspected COVID symptoms (or if anybody else in the…More
14th September 2020
Star of the Week 2LM Archie 2LM Elle Jae 2SG Caoife Good Behaviour 2LM Samuel 2HI Daniel …More
11th September 2020
Dear Parents, I am writing to alert you to the worrying situation in Liverpool, where COVID-19 positive cases have been…More
10th September 2020
Breakfast Club 2020/21 I am writing to tell you that we have now agreed a plan to allow a limited…More