School Photographs Letter

24th October 2019

Dear Parents, School Photographer in School on Friday 8th November The school photographer will be coming into school to take…More

Levy 2019-20 Letter

Levy 2019-20 Letter

23rd October 2019

Dear Parents/Guardian, St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School to which you have chosen to send your child is a Catholic Voluntary…More

Enterprise Fair Letter

Enterprise Fair Letter

18th October 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, This week, all year groups have been taking part in our St. Oswald’s Enterprise Challenge Week.…More

Changes to School Milk

14th October 2019

Since September the changes to the milk provision have been bedding in. Can we remind you that the scheme has…More

Enterprise Week Letter

Enterprise Week Letter

11th October 2019

Dear Parents and Carers, The week of the 14th October to the 18th October is Enterprise Week in school. During…More