Junior Weekly Awards

Junior Weekly Awards

7th May 2021

Behaviour 3BW   Nancy   3LY   Clodagh    3NT   Raffael 4PM   Alissa    4LD   Ava   4RD   Leighton 5AB   Ruby   5KN   Eve   5WL   Thomas H 6DN…More

Infant Merit Awards

Infant Merit Awards

7th May 2021

  Merit Assembly   Class Behaviour Star of the Week     Writer Quackers Nursery AM Roma K Emily E…More

Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

7th May 2021

  Good Morning,   Please see the link for this week’s Wednesday Word below.    https://www.paperturn-view.com/uk/wednesday-word/love?pid=MTA101634&v=26.7   Blessings and best wishes,  …More



4th May 2021