Curriculum Overview and Policy

Download: Computing – Curriculum Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Computing – Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Computing – Vocabulary Progression 2023-2024 [PDF]

Download: Computing Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Online Safety Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]

Computing – Curriculum Drivers

Language – The use of language is integral to understanding many concepts in Computing. All units of learning incorporate their own core vocabulary which improves standards and aids progression. Children are able to take vocabulary learned and use this for lifelong learning in an age where digital literacy is so important. (Faith in Our Voice)

Diversity and Inclusion – In our Computing lessons, all children, regardless of ability, race or gender, are able to succeed and achieve to the best of their ability. Opportunities are open to all and often those who feel they have barriers in other areas, thrive in their understanding and skill of Computing topics. (Faith in Others)

Resilience – Children often are faced with difficult tasks and conversations in Computing where they work both independently and with others in order to face challenges and find resolutions to problems, gaining increasing confidence in themselves. (Faith in Ourselves)

Enrichment – Through our Computing curriculum, we provide children with many opportunities to gain cultural capital which they may not gain outside of school. We work alongside MGL who provide specialist teachers to teach children across KS1 and KS2, and support members of staff with further CPD which in turn enables greater enrichment for pupils. (Faith in Our Journey)

Computing – Intent

St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School’s intent for our computing curriculum is for all our children to feel like they have the skills to be digital citizens of the world. In our ever-growing technological society, computational thinking helps children to problem solve, design systems and understand the scope of possibilities for virtual communication. We intend to deliver a quality, high challenge, relevant curriculum to all our pupils, ensuring there are high expectations for all, including our SEND and disadvantaged pupils, equipping them with the confidence and capabilities to be effective users of technology in their future.

With the prevalence of technology in our modern world, Online Safety and its messages are key aspects of computing that we believe are necessary for our learners. All our pupils should be responsible internet users, understanding the impact and lasting nature of their behaviour online, recognising age appropriate materials and games and taking responsibility and ownership of their online interactions. They should also be aware of who/where to turn to for help when necessary. These messages will be threaded throughout all curriculum subjects, including in discrete computing lessons and recognised as the core values of respect, equality and friendship.

Our bespoke computing curriculum, designed in collaboration with MGL, will build upon the skills the children acquire within the 3 strands of computing: computer science, digital literacy and information technology. Teachers will ensure that all children progress successfully, leaving primary school with the ability to apply their knowledge and skills throughout other areas of their life.

Computing – Implementation

In St Oswald’s, our computing curriculum begins with our EYFS children learning through aspects of Understanding the World, with our EYFS children beginning their first modules of our bespoke curriculum, designed in collaboration with MGL (a Liverpool-based computing education specialist company). From year 1 onwards, this scheme of work is followed throughout KS1 and 2 with each year group timetabling an hour for their discrete computing lesson per week. There are 6 half termly topics taught across the year; this allows children sufficient time to fully embed the skills and knowledge threaded throughout the topics, developing their fluency in the three areas of computing: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. We have also adopted the Project Evolve Online Safety scheme by SWGfl to implement our work on Internet safety, alongside a membership to NOS, the National Online Safety community. With Online Safety recognised as a key aspect of computing, all our children are equipped for the real-life challenges or issues they may encounter through their life-long journeys with technology.

The key knowledge and skills in each area, including the relevant Online Safety messages for each year group have been mapped out across the school from EYFS to year 6, ensuring progression between each year group. Key skills are revisited, embedded and built upon as pupils move through the topics and year groups.

Our scheme of work offers a high quality, engaging curriculum with a clear structure for progression. We work closely with our MGL specialist teacher, Mr Keegan, who, alongside class teachers delivers the discrete computing lessons and Online Safety messages to our pupils. Teachers identify cross-curricular links wherever possible and ensure that previously gained knowledge and skills, including key safety messages, can be reinforced and applied in new contexts. Technology is embedded throughout our lives and it is important that children recognise how computing and Online Safety knowledge can support their learning in other areas.

Computing is formatively assessed at the end of each topic, the children being identified as working below, towards, at or exceeding the expected standard for their age-related expectations. Monitoring takes place through a variety of strategies including lesson observations, pupil voice, monitoring of work completed etc. Staff are supported by the computing team to ensure a high-quality curriculum is delivered for all our pupils.

As with all subjects, computing lessons incorporate a wide range of different methods of pedagogy, engaging all our pupils, challenging them and demanding high expectations. Key terminology is highlighted throughout the topics, where children are encouraged to read and understand new subject specific language, broadening their vocabulary.

During Covid, our recovery curriculum established the progression of skills needed to build upon the children’s knowledge of the three strands of computing and move forward positively.

Computing – Impact

At St Oswald’s, we encourage our children to enjoy and value the curriculum we deliver. We will constantly ask the why behind their learning and not just the how. We want learners to discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development and wellbeing. Finding the right balance with technology is key to an effective education and a healthy lifestyle. We feel the way we implement computing helps children realise the need for the right balance and one they can continue to build on in their next stage of education and beyond. We encourage regular discussions between staff and pupils to best embed and understand this.

The way pupils showcase, share and celebrate their work will best show the impact of our curriculum. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills digitally through tools like Google Drive and observing learning regularly.
Progress of our computing curriculum is demonstrated through outcomes and the record of coverage in the process of achieving these outcomes.

Through end of unit assessment quizzes and tasks, staff are able to assess the learning individual pupils have retained. Using this assessment alongside formative assessment from each lesson, staff are able to recognise the impact which each unit has had on each child.

Online Safety Support and Guidance

Download: Online Safety Parent Policy [PDF]
Download: Online Safety KS1 Pupils [PDF]
Download: Online Safety KS2 Pupils [PDF]

Here are some useful websites from a variety of organisations who can provide support and guidance regarding the safety of your children online.

External Link:
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If you have any concerns or questions regarding your child’s safety online, please do not hesitate to speak with a member of the St Oswald’s Computing Team.

Additional Resources

Download: Parent Toolkit – Online Issues [PDF]
Download: Vodafone Digital Parenting Leaflet [PDF]
Download: Internet safety tips from the Police [PDF]
Download: Computing Programmes of Study KS1 – KS2 [PDF]
Download: Online Safety in the new Computing National Curriculum [PDF]