Resources for Schools and Families

Please find below links to free resources available to Schools and Families:

Download: Resources for Schools and Families [PDF]

Thank you.

Notes for Parents on the Sacrament of Eucharist

Please find below notes for parents on the Sacrament of Eucharist.

Download: Eucharist Notes for Parents [PDF]

Thank you.

2021 Liverpool Year of Writing

Last week saw the launch of the 2021 Liverpool Year of Writing, a celebration of writing in all its forms designed to discover new voices and publish new writing through a partnership of arts and cultural organisations, writers, artists, educators and businesses as part of an inclusive drive to improve literacy in the city.

You can watch and write along at home with Write Here Write Now on our Youtube channel  at 9:30am for children and at 6pm for adults, please follow the link here  or you can follow the link to re-watch the videos with the authors and poets:

Or follow us on twitter to get the latest updates:

More information on our website here:



Liverpool Children’s Festive of Reading

Dear Parents / Carers,

From Monday 25th January until Tuesday 9th February, Liverpool Learning Partnership will be hosting a range of online author sessions that schools can access for both in school and home learning. The children’s authors taking part are listed below.

This will be a fantastic opportunity for your child. Just click the link below at the appropriate time.

Accessing Sessions

Each session will be streamed on the LLP YouTube Channel:

The videos will be available for a short period of time (TBC) and then will be deleted from the platforms.


Resources suitable for supporting reading for pleasure both at home and in school on the LLP Padlet Collection:

Thank you.

Download: Parent’s Letter – Liverpool Children’s Festival of Reading Author Online Sessions [PDF]

Home Learning – 25th January

Good morning!

Here are your Home Learning Timetables for the week commencing 25th January 2021:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture on Class Dojo or Google Classroom of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.

Nursery – Stars of the Week

Nursery Stars of the Week

AM – Louie  and Isla 

PM – Luca , Isobel and Lily 

Home Learning – 18th January

Good morning!

Here are your Home Learning Timetables for the week commencing 18th January 2021:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture on Class Dojo or Google Classroom of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.

School Places letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

I wish to share some key information with you about children’s eligibility to attend school. As it has been from the very start of dealing with the pandemic, we must achieve the balance of meeting the needs of the children (and their families) and keeping the staff team and community safe whilst following government guidance. Some of our class bubbles are now very large and obviously, the more children who attend school, the increased risk of infection.

Apart from the most vulnerable children, there is no automatic entitlement to a place in school. Please consider if your role / job is formally considered critical to the Covid-19 response or the EU transition. All critical workers will be considered for a place, as long as their job cannot be done from home. Even if you are a critical worker yourself, please ask whether you have ANY other alternative childcare options (and in particular, the other parent in the family / older siblings). Given the situation, sending your child to school should be your last resort, and every child who can safely be cared for at home should be if we are to tackle the spread of this virus together. You will have also read the correspondence that we sent out on Monday from the Director of Public Health and the Director of Children and Young People’s Services. This states that your child should stay at home if it is at all possible.

At the start of this lockdown, the letter offering a school place to those who were entitled stated that the place had to be full time, this has now changed and the guidance has asked that school work around a parent or carers’ work commitments. We would be happy to offer part time days of the week, but not part time hours in any one day. For example, if you work two days a week those should be the days that you apply for.


Places requested by parents will continue to be reviewed and considered in the light of each family’s particular circumstances and job roles (and formal evidence from your employer will be required to secure your child’s place in school).

For those families that already have a place in school, our staff team may be in contact with you soon to ask some questions or to check information from your employer.

That unwavering support from school will always be there, but I am sure you can empathise with this letter, given the seriousness of protecting our school community (and our NHS).


Yours sincerely,

Miss Hay

Deputy Headteacher

school places letter