Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH
T: 0151 233 0480
DATE: 29th January 2021
Dear Parents and Carers,
Last Wednesday, the Prime Minister announced his hope for schools to begin to reopen for
all pupils from 8 March. Liverpool City Council is committed to ensuring that schools are
the ‘first to open and last to close’; but there is a long road ahead of us and we must not
drop our guard.
We fully appreciate the pressures and difficulties that a national lockdown places on you
and on your children. We do not underestimate how hard it might be for you. However, it is
our joint effort that will help save lives.
We want to remind you that all of us, including children and young people, should stay at
home unless absolutely necessary. You should only send children into school or college if
there is no way they can safely stay at home and learn remotely. If there is an adult
working at home or able to take leave from their non-critical job, please think twice before
sending your child to school.
It is important that we keep the numbers attending schools and colleges as low as possible.
We must allow those who really need to be in school to have access to a place. At the
moment, some schools are unable to support safely the number of children wanting to
Please consider the needs of children who cannot safely stay at home. Many schools and
colleges are able to offer part-time places, and this can mean that schools can offer more
places to children who need them most.
Teachers are working incredibly hard to adapt to providing remote learning. Our teachers
have adapted to this new way of learning remarkably quickly and effectively. They have
been phenomenal, and deserve our full respect.
Schools are using a wide range of approaches to remote learning and are sharing good
practice with each other. Remote learning does not need to be online or ‘live’ but if it is, it’s
important that you follow the school’s protocols and expectations.
In the meantime, the plea to everyone is to continue following the rules – such as hands,
face, space – to get virus levels as low as possible. Please get tested regularly if you have
to leave the house for work or education, and accept the offer of the vaccine when your turn
Liverpool City Council
Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH
T: 0151 233 0480
29.01.2021 letter from SR and MA