Letter to Parents


Dear Parents & Carers,

Firstly, can I say thank you for all your patience, cooperation over the last few difficult days, it has been greatly appreciated.

Now that school has reopened to the children of critical workers and those designated by the government as vulnerable, we are organised for teaching those children in school and all other children remotely. All children will be getting the same work, this will be a continuation of their year group planning and will be differentiated to meet ability.

All children have been getting homework and some lessons on their virtual platforms in school since we opened in September in order to familiarise them with the systems. The passwords and codes for various on-line learning have been given out repeatedly, but if your child still hasn’t got this information please let school know.

Every day at 8.55am their will be a teacher who will log onto either Google Classroom or Dojo (EYFS)  and say good morning and will expect a response from each child. If children are not accessing their work and we have not been informed of any difficulty, for example they might be working on paper packs, then there will be a follow up phone call to find out what the issues preventing children completing their school work. This lockdown there is an expectation that all children should continue their education at home, school will support as much as we can but the onus is on families to make sure the routine of work continues at home.

In school we are not unsympathetic to the stresses of home teaching, all of us have experienced this at some point and realise the challenges. We do ask that you keep the contact with school open and let us know of problems and we will try our best to help.

I would like nothing more than to allow all children back into school but obviously the law doesn’t allow this and we need to keep the children and staff safe by limiting the number of contacts that we all have. Together we will get through this dreadful experience, Stay safe.


Mrs Walsh


Home Learning – 4th January

Good morning!

Here are your Home Learning planners for the week commencing 4th January 2021:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture in the comments of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.

School Opening Letter

Good afternoon all,

Happy New Year, I hope that you have all had a lovely Christmas.

I am sure that most of you will be aware of the ongoing discussions in the media about whether or not schools should close. I have been on meetings today with the LA and staff members and wanted to let you all know that the position of St Oswald’s. We are in the fortunate position that we have at present enough staff available for work to allow for the safe opening of all classes, however some classes will not have their own teachers and some classes will be taught by HLTA staff. Obviously this position may change as the week goes on and I will keep you updated when I have any more detail. Our RA has been updated and we are following all guidance around safe school opening.

I would please ask though, that you try as much as possible to follow the guidance around social distancing and not mixing of households, if we get positive cases in school we will of course have to close bubbles, so ask for your co-operation to keep us all as safe as possible. If you or any member of your household are ill then please do not send your child to school until they have been tested.

I look forward to seeing our lovely children tomorrow


Mrs Walsh

Return to School – 4th January

School reopens on Monday 4th January for ALL pupils. A reminder of start times can be found below:

Nursery – 8:30am and 12:30pm
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 – 8:45am
3NT, 4PM, 5AB and 6DN – 8:50am
3BW, 4RD, 5KN and 6JJ – 8:55am
3LY, 4LD, 5WL and 6TL – 9:00am

It is important that everyone sticks to these times to prevent bubbles and households mixing; as we move forward into our first term of 2021, we must work together to keep our school community safe.

We would politely request that all adults wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting children and would also encourage you and your families to be tested before returning to school on Monday.

Lastly, if anybody in your household develops COVID 19 symptoms (high temperature, new persistent cough or loss of taste/smell), DO NOT attend school. Inform us immediately, isolate for 10 days and book a test. Please email all positive results to positivecovid@stoswaldsschool.com

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing all the children on Monday.

Miss D Hay

Download: Return to School – 4th January [PDF]

Christmas Holidays School letter

Dear Parents and Carers,

We would like to thank you for your continued support in the fight against Coronavirus.
Although the number of infections in Liverpool has reduced, the rate of reduction has levelled out
and infections in working age and older people are still too high. We therefore all need to continue
to be careful and stay safe.

Although the number of infections in Liverpool has reduced, the rate of reduction has levelled out
and infections in working age and older people are still too high. There are key actions we urge you
take to stay safe and keep infections low around socialising over Christmas and returning to school.
Holiday socialising

Just because we can mix outside of our household over 5 days over Christmas – doesn’t mean we
should. We urge you consider just how much mixing you will need to do and how you can continue
to reduce the risks, as some people such as the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions
continue to be at much greater risk. Over Christmas we ask that you please:

• Stick to your bubbles

• Minimise contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have
coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, stay
in isolation.

• Avoid large gatherings

• Avoid unnecessary contact

• Open a window for ventilation

• Continue to wash your hands thoroughly and more often

• Continue with good respiratory hygiene: use a tissue and catch it, bin it kill it. Remember
there are other infections doing the rounds over the winter period including influenza (flu).
Please ensure you have your flu vaccination if you are in a vulnerable group.

Christmas advice (from .gov.) https://www.gov.uk/guidance/guidance-for-the-christmas-period
Please follow the local rules on where you can go and who you can meet, including on New Year’s
Eve when your Christmas bubble will no longer apply.

Children returning to school
To prevent the virus coming back into the school in the new school term we urge all secondary
school and college pupils take a Lateral Flow Test once you and they have finished your main
Christmas socialising but before returning to school. Asymptomatic testing is available to all school

Liverpool City Council I Cunard Building I Water Street I Liverpool I L3 1DS

There are still a number of test centres open over the Christmas Period and into the New Year. Full
details can be found below:


We would like to thank you again and wish you a Merry Christmas and well-deserved restful break.

Yours Sincerely,

Matt Ashton
Director of Public Health, Liverpool
Steve Reddy
Director of Children’s Services, Liverpool City

Christmas Holidays School Letter – Parents_

Final Christmas letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

It has been a very busy, successful term for our staff and pupils. In the midst of our teaching and learning, at this time of year we have been mindful of the need to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Though the current situation has prevented us gathering as a community, we have been able to ensure that every class has been involved in celebrating the Christmas story either as a Nativity or as a collective worship. We have tried to include families with photos and updates on Twitter and our website. I do have to say, strangely, this year the celebrations have been very special, very spiritual and personal.

At St Oswald’s we have fostered the true spirit and meaning of Christmas, by sharing our own gratitude for a good and secure life with those who are not so fortunate. As ever our pupils and families have given generously to support our CAFOD collection with lots of gifts bought.

Our PTFA have supported school as usual this term, we have had no events but money that has been previously collected has been spent on the children’s Christmas parties and on lots of lovely new books.

I would like to thank you all, parents, pupils and friends of St Oswald’s, for your continued support and to wish you and your loved ones a restful Christmas and a New Year of health and happiness.

Just a reminder School closes Friday 18th December between 1pm and 1.15pm please ensure you check the time and that your child is picked up promptly, we reopen on January 4th at the normal staggered times.

Yours sincerely

Mrs M Walsh

Head teacher

Final christmas letter

Chief Constable’s Letter to Santa

Chief Constable Andy Cooke sends an open letter to Santa Claus:

Download: Chief Constables Letter to Santa [PDF]

Christmas Blessing from Fr. Liam

Christmas Message from Fr. Liam