Letter to Year 6

Dear Year 6,

It is with sadness and disappointment that I write to say goodbye! After such a great school journey, to finish with no mass, no leavers’ assembly, no celebrations or even goodbye hugs seems so unfair.

This year has been unprecedented, never before have we had to face a health emergency that has affected all of the world. We must concentrate on the positives that we can find, and strangely there are many. Never before has the sense of community been so strong, we have pulled together to look after each other, we have clapped for key workers and appreciated people more than we ever acknowledged before. We have looked after the vulnerable in society, our old and infirm. We stayed home and got to know our families better, we made more of an effort to keep in touch through technology and we learnt to appreciate the simple things in life.

There were no final closures, no SATs tests and no transition visits to your secondary schools. That will not matter, the whole of the UK are in the same situation, your schools will know all about you, what you are good at and what they might need to help you with. Your teachers have talked to your new schools, we have given teacher assessments on your grades ( who knows what you can do better than your teachers). All the children arriving in Y7 will be in the same situation as you, so it is a level playing field, so you should not worry.

All the staff in school who have played any part in your school journey are so proud of you, The exams for your year group did not happen, but they would have only given one piece of information about you. They do not tell how special and unique each one of you are. They do not mention how you can sing, dance, laugh, make your friends happy, that you are fantastic sons and daughters. They would not say that you are trustworthy and thoughtful and that you are kind. No matter what your test results might have been, or what your teacher assessment is, show those other qualities that make you you, and the important ones that make each one of your families’ proud.

We in school are proud of the young people you have become, we know that you are ready for secondary school, that you may be a bit nervous but trust me you are ready!!

Remember life is a journey but you are not always sure where to go but you are not alone you have your amazing families, your friends and you have all the love and support that St Oswald’s sends you away with. Remember you are fantastic, remember to be kind and respectful and always remember what you have been taught and where you started. Also, believe in yourselves, and if you need help ask, it is a sign of strength, it is the only way we find out things.

Finally, I want to send you off with my blessing and to remind you that where ever you go, God is with you and will help you make the right choices if you allow him to.

With all best wishes,

Mrs Walsh
Head Teacher

Download: Letter to Y6 [PDF]

Breakfast Club Letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

In September, we are considering reopening our Breakfast Club, initially for key workers children.

In order to adhere to the strict social distancing of our bubbles of children, we would not be able to have a mixed Breakfast Club bubble. The children who access the club would have to stay within their own year group bubble even if they are siblings. We are going to operate a weekly pre booking in system to see how many children we would be able to accommodate safely, ensuring distancing in year groups. There will be a cap on numbers allowed.

The children from each year group would be allocated a set table to eat breakfast and play table top games.
Like all Covid 19 controls, good hygiene is the best method of prevention and this will be followed rigorously.
As a general indicator for us, can I ask that if you would like to access a Breakfast Club facility in September that you indicate on the questionnaire. This will give us important information to assist in our planning.

Please fill in the Breakfast Club questionnaire here

Kind regards,

Mrs Walsh

Home Learning – 13th July

Good morning!

Here are your weekly Home Learning planners for the week ahead:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture in the comments of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.

Transition Booklets

Please find below Transition Booklets to help our pupils as they move up to their next classes:

Nursery to Reception

Welcome Packs available at the infant office for September Reception classes.

Reception to Year 1

RC to 1AJ Transition Booklet
RF to 1HH Transition Booklet
RJ to 1MD Transition Booklet

Year 1 to Year 2

1AJ to 2SG Transition Booklet
1HH to 2LM Transition Booklet
1MD to 2HI Transition Booklet

Year 2 to Year 3

2HI to 3LY Transition Booklet
2LM to 3BW Transition Booklet
2RD to 3NT Transition Booklet

Year 3 to Year 4

3LY to 4PM Transition Booklet
3NW to 4LD Transition Booklet
3JR to 4RD Transition Booklet

Year 4 to Year 5

4PM to 5WL Transition Booklet
4LD to 5KN Transition Booklet
4SG to 5AB Transition Booklet

Year 5 to Year 6

5AB to 6TL Transition Booklet
5BW to 6DN Transition Booklet
5JJ to 6JJ Transition Booklet

Year 6 to Secondary School

Starting Secondary School

Home Learning – 6th July

Good morning!

Here are your weekly Home Learning planners for the week ahead:

Nursery > Click here

Reception > Click here

Year 1 > Click here

Year 2 > Click here

Year 3 > Click here

Year 4 > Click here

Year 5 > Click here

Year 6 > Click here

Leave us a message or picture in the comments of any work you complete as you go! We love seeing your progress.

Thank you.


Thinkuknow have created some online resources for Online Safety at Home and Gaming

Online gaming can offer many positive experiences. It can give children and young people the chance to escape into a virtual world, to learn, and to connect with others.

However, there is a risk of children and young people viewing inappropriate content in games and being contacted by adults seeking to exploit them.

This week your activity pack for parents and carers to deliver to their children explores how they can stay safe while gaming:

Home activity packs for ages 4-5 [External Link]
Home activity packs for ages 5-7 [External Link]
Home activity packs for ages 8-10 [External Link]
Home activity packs for ages 11-13 [External Link]
Home activity packs for ages 14+ [External Link]

Gaming : a video guide for parents and carers

Our new video guide and accompanying article, developed in collaboration with The Association for UK Interactive Entertainment (Ukie), helps parents and carers to understand:

  • How in-game chat works;
  • How it might be abused by others, and;
  • What they can do to help keep their children safe whilst using in-game chat

Access the video here [External Link]

New from Parent Info: active gaming and Roblox guide

Gaming can be an active experience for children and young people. A new Parent Info article explores how active gaming works and the games available that help them stay active.

Parent Info’s guide which takes a look at how the platform is used and how it can be made safer for children.

Year 2 Wider Reopening Letter

RE: Year 2 children returning to school

Dear Parents and Carers,

I am pleased to be able to tell you that Public Health England have now advised Liverpool Council that it is safe to open school wider to welcome back some children in the next few weeks. Therefore, we will be inviting Year 2 children back to school on Monday 6th July. Our teachers are really excited and are looking forward to seeing all the smiling faces and finding out all the exciting things that the children have learnt with their families during lockdown.

Before you return though, I need to just explain a few things about what school will be like when you do come back because unfortunately, due to Covid 19, the government has asked us to make a few changes to help keep you and your families safe. I’m sure you already know lots about social distancing and this is a big part of the changes we have had to make. We know that younger children find this really challenging, but we will teach them through fun games and songs about trying to keep apart. We have a detailed risk assessment that you can find on Weduc and our website that will tell you all the controls we have had to put in place

One of the biggest is the restriction on the number of children that we are advised to have in each class bubble and our risk assessment has identified smaller than normal bubble groups. The government have told us that we can only have a maximum of 15 in each class, but in St Oswald’s we do not have the space required for 15, so our numbers are much smaller than that.

Prior to giving out all of our arrangements, it would be really helpful for our planning to know if you are sending your child back to school before the summer holiday. The more information we have the more we can prepare to welcome them back. So, can I ask that you fill in the questionnaire that can be found on our website.

At present, we only have 24 places available for Y2 children. These will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Y2 children who have been accessing bubbles as children of key worker children will automatically be allocated a place.

On our website and Weduc, you will also find an updated Code of Conduct and Home School Agreement in line with COVID 19.

Thank you in advance,

Mrs D Hay