Enterprise Fair Thank You Letter
8th November 2019
Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you to all those who supported our first St. Oswald’s Enterprise Fair. It was a…More
8th November 2019
Dear Parents and Carers, Thank you to all those who supported our first St. Oswald’s Enterprise Fair. It was a…More
7th November 2019
Dear Parent/Carer, We use a programme in school called ‘Times Tables Rock stars’ which helps develop and reinforce knowledge of…More
6th November 2019
Dear Parents, As the festive period approaches we are beginning to make plans for our Christmas Nativity in nursery. This…More
5th November 2019
Dear parents and carers, On the letter attached below is a full list of activities on offer for Autumn term,…More
5th November 2019
Dear Parents and Carers, Poppies are now on sale in school – Suggested donation – 20p We also have additional…More
5th November 2019
We would love you to join us in nursery with your child and their mouse for these fun stay and…More
24th October 2019
Dear Parents, School Photographer in School on Friday 8th November The school photographer will be coming into school to take…More
23rd October 2019
Dear Parents/Guardian, St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School to which you have chosen to send your child is a Catholic Voluntary…More
18th October 2019
Dear Parents and Carers, This week, all year groups have been taking part in our St. Oswald’s Enterprise Challenge Week.…More