Curriculum Overview and Policy

Download: RSHE – Curriculum Overview 2023-2024 (Inc Journey in Love) [PDF]
Download: PHSE – Curriculum Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: RSE Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: RSE Vocabulary Progression 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: PHSE Progression of Skills Overview 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: RSE Guide – Learning to Love [PDF]

Download: RSHE Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]
Download: Drug Education Policy 2023-2024 [PDF]

RSHE Curriculum Drivers

Language – Within each topic of the RHSE curriculum, new vocabulary is introduced to support and scaffold children’s understanding and learning. Through immersion in rich vocabulary paired with a wide variety of learning experiences, we aim to support all children to reach their potential. (Faith in Our Voice)

Diversity and Inclusion – Through the RHSE curriculum, we aim to offer opportunities to widen children’s experiences and to create greater multicultural awareness to support children with different backgrounds and needs, enabling them to succeed. Our curriculum aims to encourage acceptance of ourselves and others. This helps prepare pupils to thrive in an exponentially diverse world. (Faith in Others)

Resilience – By immersing our children in a wide variety of learning opportunities through the RHSE curriculum, we endeavour to equip our children with skills to build the emotional and physical security needed to become resilient individuals. Our curriculum aims to support children to take risks and deal with different challenges across the curriculum and the wider world by thinking positively and having the confidence to ‘have a go’. (Faith in Ourselves)

Enrichment – Through the PHSE curriculum we aim to offer enrichment for our pupils to develop their cultural capital by providing enhancing opportunities which they may not have had otherwise. This may include visitors from charities, a range of occupations and faiths who can share their knowledge and experiences with our children. (Faith in Our Journey)

RSHE – Intent

At St Oswald’s Catholic Primary School, Relationships, Sex and Health Education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum.

As a Catholic school, our mission is to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils, rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. The Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.

RSHE is taught across all key stages in school. The teaching and learning in our school is enriched through visits, visitors, themed weeks and extra-curricular activities. One RSHE/PHSE lesson is delivered weekly.

We do not discriminate against pupils because of any protected characteristic, considering the spectrum of diversity and ensuring all children have equal opportunity to access and engage with the RSHE curriculum. For all children, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or children that have experienced adverse childhood traumas, a differentiated approach may be necessary to ensure learning outcomes are met – this will be discussed with parents/carers.

We want our children to be:

  • Happy
  • Ambitious
  • Confident
  • A good Citizen
  • Try new things
  • Resilient
  • Curious

Through the teaching of RSHE, we will strive for our children to be:

Aspirational: Children are given the self-esteem and self-confidence to aspire to be whatever they want to be.

Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle: Children are taught self-care techniques – the importance of rest, sleep, hobbies, spending time with family and friends, as well as the importance of eating healthy meals, having regular exercise and preparing for puberty, helping them achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Strong Communication: Children are taught how to recognise and talk about their emotions and feelings.

Develop a sense of Community: Children are taught to respect themselves and others now should enable them to be successful, happy adults, who will make a meaningful contribution to their community.

RSHE will be taught in each year group throughout the school. The curriculum we deliver is age-appropriate and progressive, building the children’s knowledge, understanding and skills year on year. The progressive objectives taught in each year group support the outcomes outlined in the government RSHE guidance.

See RSHE Progression of Skills document above.

RSHE – Implementation

Children are taught weekly, at an age appropriate amount of time, e.g. EYFS, a 15 minute lesson / upper key stage 2, a 50 minute lesson.

The curriculum overview, which sets out the units to be covered by each year group, each half term.

Our curriculum is delivered through a combination of ‘Ten Ten: Life to the Full’ and ‘A Journey in Love’ both programmes recommended by the Liverpool Archdiocese, which aims to deliver the curriculum through a Catholic lens, encouraging children to treat others like Jesus would. It also helps pupils develop a deeper relationship with Jesus, which enables them to understand God’s plan and live life to the full. We also cover the additional aspects of the PHSE curriculum that are not included in Life to the Full, which prepare our children for the future. (See the Curriculum Overview for reference).

Through the teaching of RSHE we strive for our children to have a knowledge of the world; children learn through a variety of activities, rather than just working in books- for example watching age-appropriate video clips (and the discussions concerning these), circle time, discussions, acting out scenarios, role-play, sorting activities and games. The use of precise questioning in class ensures all children are involved in learning and discussion. Ground rules used at the beginning of each lesson, ensure children enjoy the lessons, feel safe in discussions and will not be made fun of by other members of the class. Differentiation is achieved through questioning, activities and levels of support.

Key vocabulary is pre-taught before each unit / session, to support children in their understanding. This maintains the fluidity of each lesson. Age appropriate key vocabulary is built upon each year, ensuring progression.

Assessment is used to ensure that we are providing excellent provision for every child. Children are assessed at the beginning and end of each unit to enable teachers to see how much each pupil has learned. Discussion, participation and written activities will be used for assessment purposes, which is recorded on half-termly unit markers.

Annually, parents are consulted on the content of the RHSE programme of work through an on-line parental consultation and are given the opportunity to respond. Further support and clarification will be given if required.