Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 13th July [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 13th July [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 6th July [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 29th June [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 22nd June [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning – 15th June [PDF]
Hello Nursery!
We hope you have had an enjoyable half-term break.
Here is your home learning planner for this week. Don’t forget, we would love to see photo’s of your work on Twitter if you can share them with us.
We hope to see you soon!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning Plan – 08/06/20 [PDF]
Hi Nursery,
Please find your weekly planner for this week below.
We’re all missing you!
Download: Nursery – Home Learning – 18th May [PDF]
Good Morning Nursery. Here are your activities for at home this week. Have lots of fun and don’t forget we love to hear from you on twitter, Weduc and on our nursery email nursery@stoswaldsschool.com
Have fun
Mrs Greer, Mrs Parkinson and Mrs Rose.
Download: Nursery Home Learning 11.05.20 [PDF]
Good morning nursery the rhyme of the week is 5 currant buns. Can you sing along and count how many buns are left each time? After the rhyme here are a few things you can do:
– Show your adult 4 fingers
– Go on a number hunt
– What number is on your door?
Enjoy the singing.
External Link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/nursery-rhymes-five-currant-buns/zm4nmfr
Good Morning Nursery
Lets play I spy! I spy with my little eye, something beginning with p.
Mrs Parkinson has found some things in her house that begin with p. Look at the photos attached. What can you find in your house beginning with p. Can you find more than me?
Good luck!